A classic trend that goes its own wayroots several centuries ago. Ultra-modern creativity, trying to go beyond the permissible boundaries. And sophistication, possible only with the correct observance of traditional values. These are the components of this apartment in the capital of Denmark. This cozy and charming apartment is only 56 square meters, but it looks like a giant's home in a modern way. The presence of a small area does not force you to refuse graceful sculptural figures, gilded supports for upholstered furniture and wide beautiful frames for paintings. On the contrary - with all this splendor you will decorate a modest space with something thoughtful and unique. In the guest salon, the empty bay window area embodies the feeling of space, which has a wonderful effect on the understanding of the apartment. The unusual placement of mirror surfaces takes us back to the 18th century, when people still went to balls and danced in luxurious outfits.
There are several striking aspects to the decoration of thishousing and you can use it during the renovation work in your apartment. For example, the emphatically monochrome bedroom is a wonderful corner for relaxation, where the main, eye-catching accessory is a large mirror. Thus, the atmosphere of romanticism and splendor is embodied here, giving the opportunity to relax perfectly. Here, a small ladies' table by the window opening very laconicly fits into the unusual layout of the home. Basically, with a modest footage in the bedroom, you have to choose between a chest of drawers and a table. For such an exquisite and refined Danish apartment, the solution was obvious.
Classic Scandinavian small apartment interior