With the advent of suspended and stretch ceilings, everythingmore people began to rely on them when organizing repairs in their apartments. This is not surprising, because this process is now set up to automatism. Two-level stretch ceilings stand apart from other such designs. They are more difficult to install, but their beauty and quality make people choose them. Many hire third-party organizations. In fact, this option does exist, but it is not optimal. Much simpler. This is what we will talk about further.Scheme of fastening a stretch ceiling with a cornice.Today, there are several options for installing two-level stretch ceilings. The most common are: harpoon, wedge and clip technologies. It is worth considering each option in more detail.
Harpoon fastening technology: installation
Installation diagram for a two-level ceiling.This technology is best suited for fixing PVC films. They are fixed in an aluminum baguette. They can withstand tension of up to 20 kg per linear meter. To carry out the work, it is mandatory to make a rigid vinyl edging around the perimeter of the ceiling. This is done exclusively in production conditions. Installation of two-level ceilings of this type requires the purchase of an additional edging. It will prevent the canvas from stretching during the work and further use. First, one edge of the film must be installed in the profile. Then it is heated, which makes the film more pliable for further installation. After that, it can be installed in another corner. Then this process should be repeated around the entire perimeter of the room.
Scheme of the device of a two-level tensionerceiling. It is worth remembering that all work is carried out only with heated film. Otherwise, after the final tensioning, an unpleasant sagging picture may result, which is why heating is mandatory. After cooling, the film completely covers the ceiling, making its appearance as attractive as possible. Do not forget that with any type of installation of a two-level ceiling, it is imperative to first make all the necessary measurements. Particular attention during the installation process should be paid to horizontal alignment. It should be done exclusively with a laser level. Do not ignore the comments that the manufacturers of two-level stretch ceilings themselves write on the packaging. Return to contents</a>
Wedge mounting technology
To work in this case you will needaluminum profile with a U-shaped cross-section. The wooden glazing bead, which is one of the main elements here, begins to play the role of a wedge. Due to the use of friction and profile, it becomes an excellent fastening element for a two-level stretch ceiling.Sequence of works for installation of tensionceilings. This method has one very important advantage, which is to reduce the cost of the ceiling. However, the reliability of the fastening is sharply reduced, if we draw a parallel with the first method described earlier. This method is mainly used only by experienced finishing specialists, as it involves the use of a unique technology. Of course, you can do everything yourself, but you need to be a great specialist in finishing works. The clip-on system of fastening a stretch ceiling does exist. It is mainly used when it comes to installing a fabric stretch ceiling. Such fasteners are made of plastic. In this case, it is fastened with self-tapping screws, which are installed in the wall on dowels. This method is quite suitable for independent use, while it takes a minimum of time and effort from a person. An excellent solution if a person has purchased fabric ceilings. There are matte and glossy two-level stretch ceilings. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. This applies to both fastening and the general organization of the process. Return to contents</a>
Parameters of use of various types of stretch ceilings
Construction diagram for mounting a chandelier.The main advantage of this type of ceilings is the fact that they perfectly reflect light. The room where they are installed will always be light and cozy. This leads to the formation of additional optical effects that have a great effect on the interior appearance of the apartment. Fire safety in this case is also at its best. They do not burn. This advantage allows using this option not only in private apartments, but also in the decoration of shops and retail spaces. Installation of such two-level ceilings is extremely simple. This should be taken into account if we are talking about self-installation. The most important thing is that you do not have to spend additional money on inviting specialists in the finishing business. Due to the fact that this type of stretch ceilings is made of PVC, another important advantage follows. They are practically not susceptible to the effects of various fungi and mold. Humidity has virtually no effect on their structure. Even if neighbors accidentally flood the apartment, the ceilings will remain safe and sound, and this is an important factor if we are talking about multi-story buildings. Matte stretch ceilings are also quite common on the modern market. They are distinguished by the fact that they are universal. They can be installed in almost any room, since they will not spoil any interior. If a person decides not to think for a long time and not to choose a glossy option, then it is better to immediately buy two-level matte stretch ceilings, which will be as close as possible to the chosen interior. It is also worth noting the low cost of ceilings. This is an important factor for the average resident of our country. They do not create any glare. In some situations, this really becomes an advantage. The environmental friendliness of such ceilings is also amazing. It is worth remembering that they are hypoallergenic. They do not affect the human body in any way, so they can be installed even in those rooms where small children are constantly present. Fungus and mold are not scary for this option. Matte ceilings are a great option, but they are a little more difficult to install, and the neighbors from above can make a flood, which leads to damage to property. Often, it is necessary to make repairs, since such a ceiling cannot be restored. Return to contents</a>
Conclusion and summing up
So now every reader knows for sure thathow to install two-level stretch ceilings. All the work can be done easily and simply with your own hands. Specialists may be required only when solving some complex issues. Three types of fastening of such structures were considered above. Which one to choose, the esteemed reader decides. Everything depends directly on the personal preferences of the person, as well as on his financial capabilities. Each installation option is considered good in its own way. The technique in all cases is different, it can also depend on the specific design of the room itself in which the installation is planned.