Wooden flooring has always been widelywidespread, since its environmental friendliness and long service life deserved special attention. If a house had wooden flooring, it was considered a sign of prosperity. At the same time, wood wears out over the years, since its service life is not eternal. Often this can manifest itself in the form of creaks, causing too much inconvenience to the owners of the house. To eliminate this phenomenon, its causes are identified, which can be different. From this we can conclude that the repair methods will also differ from each other.Over time, any wooden floor begins tocreaking, but you can get rid of this problem without major repairs. Since time has a negative effect on wood, all defects can be associated with the presence of excess moisture or high temperature, that is, rotting and charring. The structure of the wood can crack and dry out as it wears out. If parquet boards begin to creak, this means that the elements that make up them are mobile. This causes a friction process between them. is the first sign of the beginning of the wear process, which is not noticeable, but has an unpleasant sound. It is important to know that you can eliminate creaking of a wooden floor yourself.
For whatever reason, sex can squeak
Scheme of the parquet board structure.The prerequisite for the occurrence of creaking floorboards is the friction of wooden elements. What can cause it? The following main reasons can be identified that cause the floor to creak:
Replacing the floor with new flooring will help eliminate the creaking, which will require large expenses. Return to contents</a>
What methods can eliminate squeaks?
Usually, the creaking of a parquet floor is eliminated in the following ways:
If screws are used, you shouldFirst check for communications under the flooring and determine the location of the joists. About 2-3 screws should be screwed into each damaged board. For this purpose, a small-diameter hole is drilled, into which a screw of the appropriate length and diameter is then screwed. If there are nails, you can use them, but it is more reliable to use screws. The fastener head should be recessed into the surface of the board. Squeaks can occur if the boards are poorly attached to the supporting beams and joists.The process of eliminating creaking on a wooden floor.Therefore, walking on such a floor causes the boards to rub against each other. Wedges are driven between the supporting beams and the floorboards. If it is not possible to reach the beams, then the distance can be reduced from above. If the creaking continues, then wedges are driven between the boards so that their ends are lower than the floorboards. To eliminate the creaking, you can use the following tools and materials:
You can try to eliminate the creaking usinggraphite powder or talc. The material is poured into the gaps between the boards. If you resort to using anchors, they are only suitable for a concrete base under a wooden floor. This work may require many anchors if you screw them into each parquet board, having previously drilled a hole and inserted an iron shell. This type of work is manual, but it is not cheap. Often there is a space under the floor that can be filled with mounting foam. It will expand there, which will make the wooden flooring more rigid. Over time, mounting foam can sag, so despite the large amount of material and its high cost, this method will eventually stop working.Scheme for eliminating creaking using tampingwedges. If there is a flat creaky floor, its surface is covered with sheets of plywood, which is secured with glue. The plywood is not laid strictly horizontally, but at a certain angle to the wooden floor. This method will help to eliminate the creaking of the floorboards for a short time. Despite the labor-intensive process of tightening the floor, this method will help to eliminate all creaks. All damage can be identified by dismantling the floor and repairing the boards or replacing them. It is imperative to replace the nails with screws, since the floorboards can creak at the points where the fasteners touch. After a certain time, the creaking will decrease; if the nail has become rusty, it may seem to have a free play, but eventually the floor will begin to creak again. If you use self-tapping screws instead of nails, this will completely eliminate the cause of the creaking for many years. Return to contents</a>How to eliminate creaking when individual parquet floor boards are separating from the base In this case, in order to eliminate floor defects, the following actions are taken:
Scheme of sealing cracks using wooden wedges.
If there is creaking of individual parquet planksspecial parquet pins are used, with the help of which the boards are fixed to the surface of the base. Then the creaking planks are removed, and the resulting cavity is covered with cardboard. Then the boards should be laid there again, strengthening them with nails or adhesive. Next, a hole should be drilled, observing a 45-degree angle between the planks that are creaking. After this, a wooden pin soaked in wood glue is driven into the hole. The floor can creak due to a small gap between the parquet and the wall. For this reason, the parquet floor should be cut at each edge, making a gap of less than 10 mm.Eliminate creaking wood floors withanchors. The causes of creaking can be more serious if they are associated with a defective screed or plywood that is not tightly adjacent to the base for laying parquet. The presence of defects in the joists is associated with insufficient distance between the joists. Partial repairs to eliminate various causes are not enough. It will be necessary to completely dismantle the parquet floor at the same time as carrying out a major repair of the base if you completely replace the parquet flooring. The use of parquet is associated with its mechanical abrasion and damage. Dents and scratches appear. Return to the table of contents</a>How to use the sanding method To eliminateTo eliminate these defects, you can use the sanding method, which involves removing a layer of boards from above to renew the parquet. This will return the floor to its normal shade. Experts recommend performing this procedure every 5-6 years. Sanding extends the useful life of the parquet. Sanding is done manually or mechanically. If you use a special mechanism, then sanding is easier. Sanding machines are used to perform sanding. Sanding is carried out in stages, so you should:
In order for the parquet floor to last a long time, it is necessaryproperly exploited. This will keep it clean and aesthetically pleasing. A quality coating requires regular periodic maintenance. It is important to remember that parquet is at risk in conditions with high humidity and possible mechanical impacts.