Milan Design Week will featureAuthor's works of the winners of last year's Replay Fedora competition, organized by the Axo Light brand and the Podium modern lighting salon Last year, the Italian brand Axo Light and designer Dmitry Loginov invited everyone to try their hand at decorating a lamp created by their joint efforts. The goal was not just to offer a creative variation, but a full-fledged concept with a unique design. During the competition, several winners were selected, who will now go to Milan!
The entire collection of works by St. Petersburg designersReplay Fedora & FedoraStars goes beyond the borders of St. Petersburg and Russia! The items created within the competition will be shown in Milan during the Design Week, which will be held from April 4 to 8. To find these works, it is worth visiting the On-Off showroom (Piazza Lima, corner with Via Ozanam). We recommend going there immediately after visiting the main exhibition Salone del Mobile, to combine studying the latest trends in the world of design with viewing new lamps, for which Russian designers have received valuable prizes and international recognition.
Exhibition in Milan: Axo light will present the winners of the contest Fedora Fedora