Selective guide

To lovers of the unusual is dedicated: 10 tips for choosing the original bed

What you need to know when choosing an original bed inbedroom? The main rules of ergonomics, editorial advice and 25 very unusual beds. The bed is the semantic accent of any bedroom and a real center of attraction. When choosing an unusual model for the bedroom, it is important to consider both the design and the key "technical characteristics": in pursuit of style, we must not forget that the bed should perform its main function and be as comfortable as possible. We have selected for you 28 very unusual beds and 10 tips on how to choose and place an original bed in the bedroom.

Unusual design

Many furniture manufacturers and designers from the yearEvery year, designers try to rethink the classic bed shape, turning this piece of furniture into an unconventional design element. Some of them really succeed. For example, designer Günther Thöny gave the world a stunning egg bed. And Benjamin Rollins Caldwell, inspired by organ pipes, created the incredible Organ Bed. Editorial opinion:— When choosing an unusual bed, it is important to focus not only on style, but also on comfort. What should be taken into account? 1. The ideal length of a bed is at least 15 cm longer than the height of the person sleeping on it. The standard length of a bed is 200 cm. 2. The standard width of a double bed is 140, 160, 180, 200 cm, less common are models with a width of 220 cm. If a larger width of a bed is required, you will most likely need to make custom-made furniture. 3. A comfortable bed height is determined based on the fact that the upper edge of the mattress is not lower than the knee level of the person who will sleep on it. 4. Beds with a lifting mechanism provide additional storage space, but the mattress in such designs “does not breathe” — ventilation is difficult, and this is not very good for its use. 5. 90% of the comfort of a bed is the mattress. It must be selected individually, and you should definitely not save on this.

Unusual sensations

Not only external ones can be non-standardcharacteristics of the bed, but also the sensations that arise during the use of the furniture. For example, owners of hanging beds and hammock beds often note that they sleep much better in a "suspended" state. Well, the rocking bed created by designer Joe Manus certainly helps you fall asleep instantly.

Unusual location

If you think that a bed is a muststand in the center of the bedroom, and there is no way to get away from it, we hasten to please: this is not so. For small apartments, many non-standard solutions for the location of the bed have been invented: a loft bed, a closet bed and even a bed that rises to the ceiling during the day and drops down at night. Well, owners of elite housing can buy a magnetic bed located between the floor and the ceiling, literally hovering in the air. The cost of this miracle, created by designer Janjaap Ruijssenaars, is about 1.5 million dollars. The bed can withstand a weight of up to 900 kg. Editorial opinion:— When choosing the location of the bed, it is important to consider some ergonomic rules. 1. The bed should be placed so that there is free access to the window: climbing over the bed to ventilate the bedroom is not the most convenient option. 2. Ideally, all constant routes of movement around the bedroom should be as straight as possible, without the need to go around the bed and other furniture. 3. If there is a wardrobe or nightstand near the bed, you need to make sure that the doors open freely and the drawers slide out without problems. 4. It is worth leaving 50-70 cm between the wall and the side of the bed so that the passage to the sleeping place is convenient. In the bedroom of older people, the passages should be even wider: from 100 cm. 5. It is best if the bed is not visible from the door. Psychologists also do not advise sleeping with your feet towards the entrance and placing mirrors near the sleeping place.

Unusual materials

To make your bedroom unusual, you can choosea bed made of rattan, bamboo - these materials are not the most accessible and less common, and also environmentally friendly. There are also beds made of seemingly completely unsuitable materials for creating furniture: pallets, old fishing boats. You can order such work from specialists or make it yourself.

Unusual functions

Oddly enough, but sometimes the bed can beis also unusual in its functions. Many frameless beds turn into armchairs during the day. Some beds include entire storage systems, and sometimes an additional sleeping place on the second tier; a combination of a bed and a table in one piece of furniture is also common. Another unusual bed is a model that is a kind of "indicator of feelings". The sleeping place is curved, and the headboard is a heart consisting of two parts. When lovers quarrel and sleep on different sides of the bed, the headboard splits in half. Editorial opinion: - A wonderful invention - a trampoline bed. Perhaps, it is not suitable as a permanent replacement for a comfortable mattress, but for daytime sleep and rest, as well as an additional sleeping place, it is very suitable.,,,,,,,,,,, tumidei. it,,,,,,,,,,

