How to find a common language and mutual understanding with a childadolescence? Become his friend and help him decorate his room! The main thing is to know a few simple rules. Which ones exactly? We'll tell you now Perhaps, it is becoming even more difficult to understand a modern teenager than female logic. And trying to change the worldview of a developing personality is by no means an option, at least that's what professional psychologists say. But what should you do and how can you understand your child? They will probably be able to help you find a common language. And to make it easier for you to navigate this issue, we will suggest a few simple rules.
1. The teenager's opinion comes first
Having given the room to the mercy of a teenager,Be prepared for the fact that this part of the house will be lost to you for some time. From now on, do not even try to find out the appearance of the room and especially do not impose your tastes when arranging this lair. Trust the preferences of the child, be it posters, neon curtains or a statue of a stormtrooper from Star Wars. After all, it is not you who will live in the room, but him, so let it become his personal space, where he can calmly express himself. Our opinion: - Undoubtedly, you will want to participate in the interior design, but the best option is to unobtrusively offer your help. Believe me, such a step will not irritate the rebellious nature, and when the teenager really needs help, he will ask for it.
2. A comfortable sleeping place is the key to success
Choose a bed that is proportionate to the areapremises. If there is a lot of space, do not hesitate to put a double bed, but if the meters are limited, you can get by with a single bed. In any case, it should be comfortable not only for sleeping, but also so that the teenager can read a book, leaning against the headboard. For senior schoolchildren, a fold-out sofa is quite suitable. So, during the day you can sit here with friends, and at night you can get a good night's sleep yourself.
3. Comfortable work area, or how to properly arrange for studying
It's probably easier to teach a chimpanzee to sing thanmake a teenager do his homework. But learning is light, which means you have to try. To do this, at a minimum, you need to buy a comfortable chair and an ergonomic desk, where there will be room not only for a monitor and keyboard, but also for lab work. Our opinion: - First, hang bookshelves in a prominent place so that they are always in sight. And secondly, buy light curtains so that there is an influx of natural light and the view from the window is visible. After all, contemplating trees and other vegetation has a positive effect on the work of the brain, as well as on vision.
4. Minimalism and the secret of its popularity
Most teenagers, especially girls,and guys really like it, and for good reason. In an uncluttered room, they subconsciously feel free, and the lack of control is almost the most important thing for them in the current period of life. So take this fact into service and unobtrusively suggest this style for decorating the room - perhaps your child will like this idea.
5. Transformers: Growing Up
Unfortunately for teenagers, this is not aboutautobots, but about multifunctional furniture. It is designed to significantly save space and create additional useful space. Therefore, take a closer look at transforming beds with secret compartments, folding tables, sliding shelves and other interesting furniture innovations.
6. Proper lighting will improve your life
It is known that with the advent of new devices andgadgets, the strain on the eyes of the younger generation only increases. And if you add poor lighting to this, everything can end with a sad diagnosis from an ophthalmologist. Therefore, create diffused light in the room, the power of which should be adjustable. And be sure to equip the workplace with additional lighting!
7. Place for hobbies
Depending on the interests of the teenager, it is necessaryarrange a place for these hobbies. For example, if it is reading, equip a well-lit soft corner, if playing musical instruments, get a stand for notes, if sports, make a wall bars, and even if it is computer games, do not install a chair with spikes - the child will still play, no matter what.
8. Right to privacy
A teenager's own room is hisa microcosm where he feels comfortable and relaxed, where he can safely keep his secrets and relax. So don't resist if your child asks you to install a tight door - meet him halfway and you will be respected.
9. Ease of finishing
Don't bother or worry about a teenager's room, because unless you are a psychic, you will never guess what might pop into his head in a minute. Therefore, limit yourself to a plain light wall or paintable wallpaper, because soon graffiti may appear on them or the entire wall will be covered with posters.
10. Good sound insulation
Playing guitar, big speakers or weirdinhuman screams during computer games - are you sure you want to listen to all this with your neighbors? It will be better for everyone if you make high-quality soundproofing in the room, which will save your nerves from unnecessary worries.