Не знаете, как ещё украсить свой приусадебный plot? Do you already have vegetable beds? No? Then start remembering all the cabbage varieties you know. This knowledge will be very useful for your future fruitful flower bed
There is an abundance of exotic flowers on the site nowYou won't surprise anyone. However, a good housewife will always find a way to stand out among her less inventive neighbors. The trend for vegetable beds appeared precisely thanks to such inventors.
In our selection today, we have collected the most interesting ideas for floral arrangements, which one day will be able to give not only aesthetic, but also gastronomic pleasure.
As for the choice of plants, here we arewe can find instructions for action. Various types of decorative cauliflower are best suited as a base for vegetable beds. Rosemary, basil, leeks, beets and several types of salads are suitable as accents.