Halle Berry in the skin of an astronaut-researcher herehas been searching for the truth in the world of the future for the second month, and while she has not yet managed to learn all the secrets of the universe, we studied the house of her heroine from the series "Extant" and made a very unexpected For the second month, the heroine of the series Extant, played by the always beautiful Halle Berry, in the company of the equally beautiful actor Goran Visnjic, has been searching for the truth in the world of the future. However, we are primarily interested not in space travel and robot children, but in interiors. Therefore, today we will walk through the Woods family house and try to figure out how possible it is in the realities of the 21st century to create a space in the style of the distant future shown to us on the screen.
Forget about high-tech style, glass, chrome andnanotechnology. The House of the Future by producer Steven Spielberg is a hymn to nostalgia and, oddly enough, an object of desire for many of our compatriots. Restrained minimalism, gray walls with a slight green tint, coupled with art deco-style lamps - here it is, the golden dream of every advanced businessman of the new Russian wave.
It is also worth noting that the eclectic synthesisArt Deco and neoclassicism are the style of the “last magnates,” and who doesn’t know a Russian who, at least on the sly, didn’t want to consider himself one of the powers that be?!
The Scandinavian-inspired dining room is especially on trend this season—it might be retro for the Woods home, but we might be able to find some pieces in today's IKEA.
And finally, the most important details: wooden beams on the ceilings in the style of a Swiss chalet and natural stone wall decoration - a big hello from the 90s. You can't hide from nostalgia anywhere.
Our opinion As you can see, repeat the interiorof the future will not be difficult even in the conditions of today's Russia. Most of the interior items are either classics of the last century, for example, the Ball chair, or are easily available in modern stores, for example, the Rotondo illuminated globe. Natural materials and a natural palette are also a trend of recent years, gaining more and more admirers every year. From the above, we can draw a very useful conclusion - it makes sense to cherish and cherish IKEA furniture in order to bequeath it to your grandchildren - they will certainly be very grateful. scifipartyline.com
The future is already here: how to decorate the interior in the style of the house of the heroine of the series Extant