On August 12, the whole world celebrates International Dayyouth. Especially for this day, we wrote an article about how to create the perfect interior for a teenager. This is not easy at all, because young people have their own views on the environment. A teenager's bedroom is perceived by him as a personal space. Therefore, it is very important that the room pleases its occupant. So the task of parents is to create a safe, functional and psychologically friendly interior based on the aesthetic and subcultural preferences of their grown-up child.
The choice of style should be madedirectly by the teenager. The sooner adults understand that he has his own ideas about fashion, beauty and taste, the more painless the renovation will be. Parents can influence the concept of the teenager's room design only indirectly (for example, by offering him variations on the chosen theme). If you are not lazy and make a selection from the Internet and interior magazines with photos of children's rooms, you can slightly redirect the child's design fantasies in the direction needed by adults. Advice: try to suggest that the teenager create an original thematic design based on his hobbies (sports, music, anime). This will show you as attentive parents and will help to avoid stylistic chaos in the interior of the nursery.
Color scheme
And again, the teenager must make the choice himself.It is his favorite shades that should become the main ones in the color palette of the interior. Parents should remember that psychologists insist on the beneficial effect of light colors on the immature psyche. Therefore, taking the options suggested by the teenager as a basis, try to create a compromise color scheme with him. Advice: suggest that the child make the walls monochromatic and as light as possible, motivating this by the fact that against such a background his favorite posters will look much brighter and more expressive. This way the room will become light, and the teenager will not feel that he is being limited in self-expression.
This issue should be taken seriously.parents. The main criteria for choosing furniture for a teenager's room are its safety, practicality and functionality - concepts that a teenager is not very knowledgeable about. The sleeping place should be as comfortable as possible so as not to harm the posture. Therefore, if parents cannot afford to buy an expensive high-quality sofa, it is better to choose a bed equipped with an orthopedic mattress. The storage system should consist not only of a wardrobe, but also of various shelves and racks, located mainly in the work area (above and near the table). The objects that form the workplace (table, chair) should be adjustable in height and tilt, since at this age the child continues to grow actively.
Furniture should be made of natural materialsenvironmentally friendly materials, be durable and, if possible, have no sharp corners. Advice: a sense of free space is very important for a teenager, so if his room is too small to accommodate all the necessary furniture, it is recommended to move some of it (for example, a wardrobe or a desk) into the hallway or other rooms, and replace some with less bulky items. For example, regular pillows can easily serve as guest chairs.
In most cases, the teenager does the work himselfdecor of their room. And parents should be prepared for the fact that the walls, ceiling and some furniture will be hung with various posters, photographs and other things that are of decorative value to the teenager. Therefore, it is definitely not worth spending money on expensive wallpaper. Advice: if the teenager does not mind your participation in the decoration, do not flood his room with fragile and expensive things: later it will be pointless to scold him for another broken porcelain figurine.