It is always more pleasant to walk barefoot on natural stone than on concrete. Our selection of stone paths will surely inspire you to personal feats in the matter of improving your own garden plot
In line with recent trendsWe are increasingly trying to make the landscape of our garden plots as close to the natural one as possible. That is why labyrinths of concrete paths, poured at perpendicular angles, are rapidly losing their relevance.
But there is something to replace them with.Paths made of natural or artificial stone, laid out wisely and practically, will help to maintain the desired atmosphere, will become a bright accent and at the same time will not lose functionality.
Of course, the most effective ones are as pathslooks like a natural stone dug into the ground, but today you can create the desired effect using concrete boulders poured into a mold. A composition of multi-colored sea pebbles, connected with a solution, is an option for creative people with a fine taste and a penchant for painstaking work.