
Gypsum plasterboard interior partitions - how to make one's own hands (video)


If you set a goal to divideroom in two parts, at the same time want to meet the minimum costs and deadlines and cope with the task yourself, an excellent option in your case will be an interior partition of gypsum board. In order for the finished structure to meet all the requirements, it's very important to carefully study the instruction, which, like any technology, has its own nuances before proceeding with the installation of drywall itself. Drywall partition in the children's roomWith plasterboard you can installinterior partitions of the most diverse shapes and colors. For the planned interior partition of gipsokartona need to install a metal frame. Already at this stage of work it is necessary to take care of where the doorway will be located.

Necessary materials and tools

In order to require the use of: Tools for the installation of drywall.

  • sheets of plasterboard wall (12.5 mm);
  • soil composition (acrylic);
  • putty (having a gypsum base);
  • material for soundproofing;
  • self-tapping screws (25 mm);
  • profiles of guides (PN 50/40);
  • Rack profiles (PS 50/50);
  • level (preferably laser, since it is more convenient to use it);
  • sealing tape;
  • plumb bob;
  • dowel-nails (for mounting the guide profile); if the frame for the interior partition of gypsum board is wooden, you should use wood screws;
  • a routing cord;
  • gray-haired;
  • perforator with drill;
  • Screwdriver;
  • roulettes;
  • hammer;
  • scissors designed for working with metal;
  • building knife.

Internal partition, presented inthe example given will have a total thickness of 75 mm. Before starting to work, it is very important to prepare a workplace, remove from the premises all the items that can interfere with the work and prepare the necessary materials and tools. Interior partitions of plasterboard are installed in several stages. To ensure that the result of the work did not disappoint you, it is worth considering all the recommendations specified in the instruction. Back to contents</a>

How to calculate the material for the partition between the rooms of plasterboard?

Calculation of drywall for the partition. Для того чтобы межкомнатная перегородка была выполнена правильно, особое внимание следует уделить расчету необходимого материала. В качестве исходных данных берутся размеры, которые будет иметь готовая перегородка (выполняется замер высоты и длины комнаты). С учетом полученных данных рекомендуется начертить схему на бумаге, при этом не забудьте про проемы для дверей, расположение которых отмечаются здесь же. Выбрав шаг, с которым будут устанавливаться стоечные профили, отметьте их в начерченной схеме. Далее нарисуйте план раскроя листов гипсокартона. Здесь стоит отметить, что стандартный размер ГКЛ равен 1200×2500 мм. В том случае если комната, в которой вам предстоит установить , имеет большую высоту, чем лист материала, потребуется установка горизонтальных перемычек в месте, где планируется стыковка листов. Для этого следует применить направляющий профиль. Вернуться к оглавлению</a>

Stages of marking the room and fixing the metal frame

Scheme of a metal frame for a partition ofdrywall. Determining with where the partition from the GCR will be installed, step back from the wall opposite the required distance, on the side walls put the marks, which should be repelled, noting the vertical. To do this you will need a building level. Next, with the help of a paint line, the lines should be connected along the floor and ceiling. At this point, the marking of the space for the interior partition has been completed. The fixing of the guide rails to the floor and ceiling is carried out according to the pre-made markings. Before proceeding with the installation of profiles, glue them with a special sealing tape. Thus, you will receive additional soundproof and hermetic properties of the future septum. At this stage of the work you will need dowel-nails and a perforator with a drill. When fixing the profile to the floor according to the previously drawn out scheme, leave the place where the doorway will be located. Then you can proceed to fixing the profile on the walls. Back to contents</a>

Working with the doorway

Doorway from plasterboard. The doorway requires reinforced posts, so the rack and rail profiles are connected (inserted) with each other. To join them, you should use self-tapping screws. To strengthen the racks, you can use a wooden bar, picking up the right size. Next, proceed to fix the resulting reinforced posts in the floor and ceiling guides. Here again you will need self-tapping screws. The door pillars should be connected with a bridge, taking into account the future opening. For this purpose, use the guide profile. Cutting the profile, you should leave 20 extra centimeters. Then on the sides make incisions and bend the ends. Back to contents</a>

The stage of installation of the other rack-mount profiles

When preparing racking profiles, keep in mind,that in relation to the height of the room they should be less by 1 cm. The installation step should be 40 cm. Thus, the partition will be strong enough. The upper and lower parts of the racks are fixed with self-tapping screws. Over the doorway of the partition, install a pair of additional rack-mount profiles. In order to get horizontal seams between the GCR, install jumpers across the vertical racks (you should proceed similarly to the work with the doorway). In the event that in the future you plan to install shelves, to complement the interior partitions, in certain places it is necessary to install the cross jumpers. For this purpose, it is necessary to use the guide profile, previously reinforced with a wooden bar. Back to contents</a>

Interior partitions and the stage of skinning of the GKL frame

Installation of drywall sheets should be done in a vertical direction. Mount GKL is necessary, considering the following rules: Diagram of septum from gypsum board.

  • Do not forget about the gaps (floor - GCR 1 cm, ceiling - GCR 0.5 cm, sheets of gypsum board are installed with a distance of 2 mm).
  • In no case do not allow cross-shaped joints, such interior partitions turn out to be fragile.
  • The sides of the partition must be different in the facing direction.
  • Given the above rules,proceed to the planking of one of the sides of the future septum. To fix the gypsum board it is necessary to use self-tapping screws (25 mm). The distance between the screws should be 250 mm. In order for the interior partition of gypsum board to meet all the requirements, its internal cavity should be filled with one or two layers of insulation material. For these purposes, mineral wool (50-100 mm) is perfect. In order to ensure that the soundproof material does not slip, it is necessary to install direct suspensions in the gaps between the columns on the GCR. On top of them, mineral wool is installed. Then you can proceed to the plating of the other side of the structure. The interior partition will be more durable if the difference between horizontal seams is at least 400 mm. Back to contents</a>

    Interior partition from gypsum board and stage of its finishing

    In order for the plasterboard partition by itshands got a complete look, it must be puttied. For this purpose, you will need a putty with a gypsum base, as well as a special reinforcing tape. Seams, which has an interior partition, and the screws of self-tapping screws are covered with a layer of putty. Then the septum is covered with acrylic primer, which will ensure good adhesion with the subsequent facing material. Finally, the entire surface is covered with a layer of putty. If your plans include pasting the resulting structure with wallpaper, you can stop on the layer of starting putty. In order to further color the interior partition, it will be necessary to apply a finishing fine-grained layer. Before proceeding with further action, it is necessary to wait until the partition is completely dry. Now it remains to do the grouting and grinding of the finished interior partition. Considering the fact that this stage of work is quite dusty, it is recommended to use a respirator. To remove excess dust, you can use a vacuum cleaner. The finished interior partition of plasterboard can be painted or wallpapered if desired. Observing all the recommendations, you will get a solid and stable design.

