When entering a room, the first thing people notice isattention to the ceiling. The overall impression of the interior most often depends on the appearance and condition of the ceiling structure. Therefore, it is very important to maintain this element in proper condition, monitor its cleanliness in a timely manner. Sometimes it may be necessary to perform major or cosmetic repairs to the ceiling structure.Types of ceilings.In this case, you can use the services of expensive specialists or do the repair work yourself. You should know that such work can be done by anyone who has at least a little experience in performing repair work.
How to make a ceiling with your own hands?
The cost of repairing ceiling structures will bedepend on the complexity of the work. The cheapest way is to prime the structure and create insulation. The cost of this type of work is approximately 55 rubles per 1 m². The most expensive is puttying work. Return to contents</a>Existing types of ceilings Today, various types of ceiling structures are found in residential premises. The most common are the following:
- painted construction;
- whitened design;
- glued ceiling;
- suspended structure;
- tension ceiling.
Ceiling pasting scheme.Each of the existing types has its own characteristics, which determine the cost of repair work and labor costs. Ceiling repairs should begin with preparatory work. At this stage, it will be necessary to clean the structure from old finishing materials, prime and level the base, and repair all joints. The thoroughness of the preparation will depend on what type of ceiling structure needs to be made. For example, the base of the ceiling structure for whitewashing must be made even, while for a stretch ceiling, an even base is not needed. Return to contents</a>How to clean the ceiling?If you plan to carry out repair work in a new apartment or private house, then you will not need to remove the old coating. In this case, you can immediately proceed to repairing the joints and priming work. If you plan to repair the ceiling in an old room, then the first thing you need to do is clean the base of the ceiling. In most cases, the ceiling is whitewashed, plastered with a lime solution or pasted over with wallpaper. It is quite easy to clean the structure from such materials. To do this, you will need to take an ordinary roller and a rod for it. The roller will need to be moistened with water and slightly squeezed out so that water stops flowing from it, but it is wet. After this, you need to roll part of the ceiling. At first, the tool should not be pressed too hard, but each time you need to press harder. As soon as the roller is completely dry, you will need to dip it in water again and repeat all the steps on a new section of the ceiling structure. You will need to wet an area of several square meters, then take a spatula and begin scraping off the whitewash, wallpaper or plaster mixture down to the concrete surface or putty.
Methods of cleaning the ceiling.If a layer of putty is found under the old finishing layer, you should check its strength with a spatula. If it is securely fixed to the ceiling base, you can leave it in place. If the putty begins to fall off and crumble, it should be removed and a new one applied in the future. In some cases, ceilings are painted. You should know that removing such material is quite difficult. This can be done in several ways: chemically and mechanically. For the first method, you will need a remover, which is sold in any hardware store. After the base is saturated with a remover, the paint can be easily separated from the base. It is worth noting that the process of softening the material can take about 10 hours. The second method involves cleaning the paint with various tools, but this is a long process. If there are decorative elements or polystyrene tiles on the ceiling, they can be removed with a spatula with a metal blade. It may be that some of the adhesive mixture remains on the ceiling structure. Removing it will require some effort, but the result should be a clean base. If a major overhaul of a suspended or tension structure is being carried out, the structure must be dismantled and dismantled to be able to reach the ceiling. In this case, there are no recommendations. Return to contents</a>How to prime a ceiling?
Ceiling priming scheme.After the ceiling has been cleared of the final coating and decorative elements, the surface will need to be primed. Priming begins with checking all joints and seams. They need to be filled with a gypsum mixture or plaster that will hold firmly. If the mixture in some places of the joints crumbles a little from impacts on it, then it will be necessary to clean the joints and fill them again with a gypsum or cement-based mixture. In this case, you can also use a solution of a special dry building mixture with fiber elements. After the seams are filled, you will need to level the protruding mixture with the plane of the ceiling structure and let it dry completely. The next step is to prime the ceiling. A deep penetration primer must be applied to the base to achieve better adhesion and strengthen the base. To apply the primer, use a roller or brush. The work must be done with gloves so that it is possible to protect your hands from the solution. You can proceed to subsequent work only after the primer has completely dried. Return to the table of contents</a>How to do puttying and plastering?These works will definitely need to be done, since in most cases the concrete surface is uneven. This is especially important if you plan to repair the ceiling by gluing wallpaper, painting or whitewashing. The leveling method will depend on the skills of the builder and the preferences of the owner of the apartment or private house.
Scheme of execution of the first and second layersceiling putty. However, there are some features that can affect the choice of leveling method. Plaster, for example, will reduce the overall height of the room by several cm, and it also has a fairly large mass. The putty will give a considerable shrinkage, it will need to be applied in several layers, which can affect the time and complexity of this work. Plastering the ceiling structure is easy to perform, and it is convenient to level the base with its help. With the help of putty, it is possible to get a smooth base with a small layer thickness and low mass. Return to the table of contents</a>How to plaster a ceiling? In order to plaster a ceiling structure, you will need to purchase the following elements:
- priming composition;
- dry mortar for construction;
- beacons with fastening for plaster;
- rule length of 1.5 m;
- electric drill;
- building level.
Plastering work should be carried out after the base has been completely cleaned. This can be done in the following way:Tools for plastering ceilings.
The process of plastering the ceiling is similar toplastering the walls. The only difficulty is that the base is not vertical and is located above your head. After the building mixture dries, you will get a smooth base on which you can apply the putty solution and the final coating. Return to the table of contents</a>How to do ceiling puttying yourself?Ceiling putty allows you to level its base, but this process takes more time than plastering. In addition, such work is quite difficult to perform if you do not have experience working with the appropriate tools. To do the putty, you will need the following elements:
- rough filler mixture;
- finishing mortar;
- priming composition;
- Painting mesh;
- spatulas of large and small width;
- solution tank.
Ceiling puttying is done as follows:Scheme of applying plaster to the ceiling.
To be able to get an even resultbase, sandpaper should be used. Once a smooth base is obtained, you can begin to apply the final finishing coat to the ceiling structure. Another option for creating a smooth base is to repair the structure with plasterboard sheets. The entire surface will need to be covered with sheets, after which it will be leveled again with a putty solution. This method of leveling the base is necessary for subsequent painting of the structure, whitewashing or pasting with wallpaper or other materials. Return to contents</a>How to paint the ceiling with your own hands?Ceiling painting scheme.In most cases, oil or water-based paints are used for painting. Preparation of the material consists of mixing and bringing it to a suitable consistency. You can start painting only after completing the preparatory work. For work, you will need to purchase a roller on a rod and a brush. The painting process is simple. You need to start painting from the edges, which are processed with a brush. The rest of the area will need to be painted with a roller. In some cases, cosmetic repairs are carried out on a painted ceiling structure. First, you need to inspect the base for peeling material. If there are such places, they should be cleaned with a spatula. Then they will need to be painted again, but this option is a temporary solution; in the future, major repairs will need to be made. If the paint holds securely everywhere, then a new layer of material will need to be applied to the entire base and left to dry. Return to contents</a>How to whitewash the ceiling with your own hands?In most cases, whitewashing of the ceiling is performed. This finish will suit any interior design, but you should know that it is not that simple. As a material for whitewashing, lime should be used, which is diluted with water, filtered and distributed over the ceiling. To do this, use a roller, brush and spray gun. If you use only a roller and brush, the lime will not be applied very evenly. With the help of technology, it is possible to get the best results. You should know that a whitewashed structure is not as durable as a painted one. The advantage of whitewashing is the cost of the necessary materials. Return to the table of contents</a>How to properly wallpaper a ceiling? Wallpapering a ceiling with your own hands is quite difficult, as you will need to coordinate the actions of several people.
Tools for gluing wallpaper to the ceiling.In this case, you will need to use wallpaper glue and the wallpaper itself. The following tools will be needed: a knife, a roller, a container for the adhesive mixture and a rag. You can make a ceiling with your own hands in this way as follows:
Speaking about this, you should know that there are quite a large number of different ways to repair such a structure.