The kitchen apron is often the brightest accentof the entire space. In our opinion, missing such an opportunity is an interior crime. Our bright selection will surely convince you of this and motivate you to make changes
Oh, how many times have we remembered this interior detail?kitchens and we will never tire of repeating that choosing the right kitchen apron is sometimes more important than... Just believe that it is important. Many of us do not dare to experiment with the design of the kitchen space, most often giving preference to light ("non-marking") sets with roomy drawers and a good countertop.
And at first the kitchen seems magnificent -bright, shining and incredibly beautiful. And then a couple of months pass and we realize with horror that our kitchen is boring, gray and depressing. What's wrong? Not enough color and play. The eye gets used to it, it has nothing to catch on to, the look blurs, and now we are yawning, endlessly making ourselves coffee and blaming the weather for everything.
But the problem is actually something completely different.We encourage you to create bright interiors, play with shapes and textures, not because it looks great in the picture - the human psyche is designed in such a way that we simply need color variety.
Of course, you can get used to a green sofa, too.and to the multi-colored paper garlands hung on the walls. But if you approach the choice of accents wisely and with calculation, they will please you much longer than beige walls and white furniture.
As for the kitchen apron, thanks to modern technologies and the wild imagination of designers, you can count on the embodiment of your wildest fantasies.
Tiles made of multi-colored glass, steel,ceramics, wood, natural stone of the most amazing shapes and sizes. Now there is only one problem - what to choose and how to refrain from changing the kitchen apron every six months.