A woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen.And no matter how super-modern this room is, there are always little things that will help make it more convenient and practical. You will learn about such little things if you read our 10 tips. When women meet, they can not only discuss the latest fashion trends or sales in shopping centers. They often adopt the most rational ideas for running a household from each other. And the kitchen is in first place here. If with lids - a mess Storing lids together with pots and pans is an impossible task: no kitchen has so much space. Putting them in a separate drawer is also not very convenient: while you find the right one, you will go through all the others more than once. Try attaching holders for lids to one of the doors of the kitchen set. Practical and convenient.Find a cutting board Change the design of the device a little - and you will always have not only lids, but also cutting boards conveniently at hand.
Our opinion:— This method can be used to remove all unnecessary things from kitchen work surfaces, while simultaneously leaving this “extra” at hand. For example, you can make a shelf for household chemicals on the sink door, and provide a tray in it for a sponge for washing dishes. Wet stains from clean dishes Wet dishes near the sink always leave stains. Even more of them appear when you put something out to defrost naturally or leave washed vegetables and fruits. Such a simple device will rid you of these problems forever.
The microwave "ate" the space on mythere is not much space, so every centimeter of the work surface is worth its weight in gold. This "gold reserve" was greatly reduced by the microwave oven, which simply had nowhere to be placed. So I suffered until I saw how easy it is to place a microwave oven under a wall cabinet. And it is always at hand, and does not take up space on the work surface.
You won't find the pan you need quicklyA frying pan is one of the most frequently used pieces of cookware. And each time different frying pans are needed. There is a way to keep them all at hand, and when necessary, easily take out the right one.
Where to Keep Cold Drinks On the Doorstepguests, and you are feverishly setting the table, trying to keep track not only of what is cooking on the stove, but also of what needs to cool down in time. This device for the sink will always help to lay out ice in sufficient quantity and place everything you need in it.
Work desk in the shade Light in the kitchen is most oftenilluminates the dining area well. And when you have to cook, the work surface is in the shadow. All you need is a couple of additional lamps with diffused light above the work table, and the problem is solved. The same can be done above any surface for additional Our opinion: - There should always be several light sources in the kitchen. It is desirable that they are not only located at different levels, but also be multidirectional. For example, sometimes it is better to fix the lamp so that the light comes from the bottom up.
The recipe got lost in the dishes. What housewife doesn’tloves to master new recipes! At the same time, the most inconvenience arises with reading the text of the recipe: either the sheet is in the wrong place, or you accidentally drip something on it. Take a trouser hanger, attach the sheet with the text and hang it where it is most convenient for you. And it is much easier to periodically look at the text this way.
You don't have time to wash the towels after each one.When cooking, kitchen towels have to be sent to the wash: no matter how much you wash your hands, stains still remain. A simple roll of paper towels solves the problem. Attach it above the place where you cook most often, and you will always have a clean napkin at hand.
To the store - not only for groceries SometimesIt's enough to just go shopping to find something that will make your life easier and more convenient. Like this bowl for nuts. No trash, and nuts at hand.
Kitchen arrangement: 10 useful tips and simple kitchen equipment ideas