Thoughts about a combined living room and kitchen arise inin the case where it is necessary to increase the kitchen area in apartments with an old layout or in a modern apartment in the case of its studio layout. The latter case favors the idea due to the absence of walls provided for by the project, but the first case requires dismantling partitions, which will require a large number of approvals from architectural services. There are several restrictions that can make such a redevelopment impossible:
Combining the living room and kitchen is only possible if the kitchen has an electric stove, not a gas stove.
The wall separating the kitchen from the living room and subject to demolition should not be a carrier. This requirement is understandable and does not require explanations.
The combination of two rooms is possible only if the kitchen is equipped with an electric stove. The presence of a gas stove or a column assumes the presence of a partition, even if it will be sliding.
Equipment that has a connection to communications must remain exactly where the kitchen is provided for by the project. The rest of the kitchen accessories and furniture can be installed anywhere.
Variants of interiors
If the kitchen and living room do not have a partition,it will be necessary to carry out zoning for the convenience of using the premises and based on design considerations. The type of zoning should be selected individually in accordance with the features of the kitchen. There are several design techniques for zoning premises:
You can separate the kitchen from the living room using a partial partition.
Zoning with different floorcoatings. The floor covering of the kitchen should be functional, it is good to carry wet cleaning. Covering the living room can be anything. The combination of different coatings can be somewhat beaten, making the boundary between them non-linear.
Zoning by sex, having differentlevels in the kitchen and living area. As a rule, a higher floor is chosen in the kitchen. Under it it is convenient to hide various communication elements. A good technique is to insert lighting into the side of the kitchen podium. The disadvantage of this method may be the inconvenience of constantly stepping over the step that has appeared. Therefore, the height of the kitchen podium should not be chosen very large.
Zoning with multi-level ceilings. A lower ceiling must be provided in the kitchen area. Zoning can be emphasized by different lighting options.
Zoning with a ceiling beam. Such a beam can easily be built from plasterboard, which makes it possible to give it any design form. In addition, the ceiling beam does not interfere with the movement between the rooms.
Zoning with a bar counter. The design of the bar can be any: from the rack on light chrome legs to a massive one with household lockers.
Zoning with kitchen island table. This table can be given more functionality by equipping the interior of the kitchen with household cabinets, and from the living room set open shelves for alcohol and souvenirs.
Zoning rooms can be with the help of a sofa, located in the front part of the living room. At the back of the sofa from the kitchen can be placed a small partition or an island table.
Zoning with a dining table, correctinscribed in the design of a combined room, is one of the most simple and functional. Low-placed lamps above the table further emphasize the boundary of the two zones.
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Interior of a small apartment
You can separate the kitchen and living room using a low threshold-podium.
In a small apartment, a more convenient way of zoning can be a cantilevered form of a small dining table, one side fixed to a wall.
Lighting can also be used asadditional, and as an independent method of zoning. In this case, the lighting should be divided into three groups: lighting of the kitchen work area, lighting of the zone borders and lighting of the living room interior zone. Each type should emphasize its own area of use.
As a border, you can use partA wall specially left for this purpose, or a small wall, specially built. It can have decorative shelves or niches, electric fireplaces or other types of decorations that fit into the interior of the living room.
Demountable partitions in the form of sliding doors or sliding doors made of frosted glass can be used in the presence of gas equipment in the kitchen.
A glass baffle partition that transmits light creates a good visualization of the border, emphasizing.
Zoning using a narrow two-sidedThe rack allows you to functionally beat the border by setting decorations in the interior of the living room. Providing access to objects from both the kitchen and the living room provides additional light penetration into the premises.
Zoning using textile curtains, both conventional and, for example, Japanese textile panels, is rarely used, but in small apartments also takes place.
Zoning can be done using different methodsfloor coverings or carpets. Important! When choosing furniture, it is necessary to be guided by the considerations that the kitchen furniture and the living room furniture should be made in the same style in design, material and color. Or be close enough. A good option, complementing the interior of the living room and kitchen, would be to use the same furniture fittings: handles, inserts, design of furniture facades. Return to contents</a>
Cons of combining kitchen and living room
In addition to the advantages of increasing the kitchen space and the possibility of using interesting design solutions for the interior of the living room and kitchen, combining these rooms also has certain disadvantages:
Disorder, which is the companion of any cuisine. In any kitchen, especially in one of the modern styles, maintaining an ideal cleanliness is always quite difficult. Especially when the mistress of a lover cooks or the house is often guests. Any little thing that breaks out of the general review, spoils the interior of the kitchen, whether it's a kitchen appliance in its place or something else, immediately attracts attention and spoils the impression of a common style and order in the kitchen.
Smells that accompany any manipulation of food.
Sounds produced by household kitchen appliances. This can be a stationary technique such as a refrigerator or washing machine, as well as a technique used for cooking.
These shortcomings, if approached correctly,can be compensated. Important! The main way to avoid visible disorder in the kitchen is a well-thought-out storage system, which should have a place for kitchen appliances for cooking, dishes and various detergents. Each thing should have its place - this is the main principle of a kitchen combined with a living room. Kitchen odors are removed by a well-thought-out ventilation system and the use of modern hoods. The fight against noise is carried out by choosing low-noise home appliances or built-in appliances, in which the furniture body serves as additional sound insulation. In addition, built-in appliances, visible from the living room, do not spoil the appearance of the kitchen at all.