Is it possible to create in one room?multifunctional space? For this apartment, designers have developed a set that allows you to combine 5 full-fledged rooms in one. Will this option suit you, you will find out from the article A small one-story rectangular apartment in Madrid was inherited by designer Yolanda Pila from her grandmother. Being a representative of the creative profession, the girl decided to approach the issue of creating an interior with imagination. She turned to the architectural studio PKMN Architectures for help, one of the leading architects of which became the author of this, without exaggeration, brilliant project. David Pérez García, a talented architect known for his creative approach to organizing space, developed a unique mobile transforming set for Yolanda's apartment, consisting of three movable modules.
Thanks to the skillfully designed andThe interior of the apartment, made of OSB (oriented strand board) modules, can be transformed into spaces with different functions: a bedroom, an office, a kitchen, a living room and a dressing room. Literally at the wave of Yolanda's feminine hand, the furnishings obediently adapt to her needs and daily routine. When assembled, the structure is a large rack with shelves and work surfaces, which is part of the living room, which also hides the bathroom in the corner of the apartment from prying eyes. But it is worth moving just one of the blocks, and the transformation begins.
If you move the first module towards the kitchen area, one of its sides will transform into a worktop and kitchen shelving.
Is it time for a business meeting?It is enough to fold the kitchen table, push the first module close to the kitchen set - and that's it: a business space with a huge round chalkboard for Yolanda's presentations on one wall and a functional shelving unit on the other is formed in the center of the apartment. Our opinion: - Please note that the sliding doors, made of the same material as the furniture, play an important role in completing the transformation. They mask the ends of the modules, imitating wall panels.
Of course, so creative and energeticA girl like Yolanda needs a place to rest comfortably. Another module slides to the side, and the girl finds herself in a bedroom, one of the walls of which hides not only a comfortable folding bed, but also drawers for storing bed linen and other necessary little things.
Incredible, but that's not all.In such a small space, the architect managed to place a spacious dressing room. It will open up to the view if you fold the bed and move the last, third module to the others. So, after taking an invigorating morning shower, Yolanda, like a real woman and professional designer, can afford to choose an outfit for the day in comfort and without rushing.
The interior of the apartment fully reflectsmobility and creativity of its inhabitant. Everything here is tailored to the customs and needs of Yolanda. Even the material was not chosen by chance. Multilayer slabs made of large wood chips, in addition to their durability and low cost, attracted the architect with their original texture. The appearance of the material satisfied the main stylistic preferences of both the customer and the author of the project: environmental friendliness, minimalism, originality. We are sure that such an unusual and comfortable apartment will inspire its creative owner-designer to create no less amazing and brilliant collections. Javier de Paz García
Interior-transformer: 5 variants of arrangement of furniture