Design and Decor

What is a bio fireplace? The option of heating. Best for apartments


In the autumn, the apartments will become cool, and manybegin to wrap themselves in rugs or turn on heaters. And why not install a bio fireplace? In our article you will read about the exploitation of bio-fireplaces, learn about their producers and look at the best samples of bio-fireplace - a new possibility of transforming the interior. This is a decorative fireplace, for the functioning of which there is no need for a chimney, exhaust and the resolution of the fire inspection. This device can be installed absolutely in any room. The biofireplace, like a traditional fireplace, gives offwarmly. The use of biofuels guarantees safety if the user strictly follows the recommendations of the fireplace manufacturer. This fireplace does not emit unpleasant odors and ash. When special fuels are burned, only carbon dioxide is formed. This type of fireplace can be used in non-residential andliving quarters. Externally, an ecological fireplace can look like a traditional "brother" or be an unusual design item (for example, in the form of a wide vase). Functionally, it consists of decorative elements and a firebox, in which the combustion of environmentally friendly fuel is carried out. Decorative details add aesthetic beauty to the product and also protect people from the risk of burns. Depending on the location, the ecological fireplace can be tabletop, wall-mounted or floor-standing. There are devices in the form of a mobile unit (up to one hundred kilograms) and in the form of an impressive installation. This is a good solution for both apartments and houses where you don't want to tie the fireplace to the walls. Our opinion:- Although they say that a biofireplace is only for beauty, we do not agree with this statement: even a candle gives off warmth. And even more so from the fireplace. Therefore, if you choose a large fireplace model, keep in mind that it will be hot to sit near it. source not specified

