
How to build a glue for wallpaper: choosing and preparing a glue mixture

It is no secret that repairs are a complex and difficult task.troublesome. If you make even one awkward move, all actions can be done in vain. And this is wasted nerves and inappropriately spent money. When carrying out repair work, special attention should be paid to gluing wallpaper. Great knowledge is not required for this, but you will have to try.Application of wallpaper glueDifferent types of wallpaper will require differentproportions of the adhesive mixture. You need to strictly follow all the instructions, then everything will definitely work out. In order to properly dilute the glue, you need to clearly know in what proportions the dry mixture should be diluted, what wallpaper glue to choose. At the same time, you need to know that one glue is needed for non-woven wallpaper, and another for vinyl. So how to dilute the glue with your own hands. How difficult is this matter? You can do all this yourself, but you need to take into account some basic points. And then you should decide what kind of wallpaper will be glued to the walls. Only after this is the choice of adhesive mixture made.

What kind of wallpaper glue should I choose?

Today, high-quality glue can be easily purchased at any hardware store. Wallpaper glue is divided into 2 main compositions according to its consistency:Proportions of glue for different wallpapers.

  • A universal mixture, which is good in that it can glue almost all kinds of wallpaper.
  • A special mixture, which is used to glue the cloth only a certain type.
  • You can buy the adhesive mixture in 2 types:

  • In the form of powder and granules. All this must be stirred with water, guided by the instructions. Each type of glue has its own instruction. Glue mixtures of this type can be used for paper and lightweight webs.
  • In the form of a ready-made mixture, which can beapplied immediately after purchase. This type of adhesive composition is characterized by considerable convenience, it is the best suited for working with canvases of great gravity. It is very convenient, for example, for gluing non-woven wallpaper.
  • It's actually not difficult to dilute the granules.But if you don't want to work with them, you can buy a ready-made mixture. But before that, you need to consult with the sellers, who can always give you good advice. You need to be very careful about this, as there are many pitfalls here. When gluing vinyl wallpaper, you need to be very careful about choosing the glue; if you do everything right, you can be sure that they will decorate the room for a long time. Return to contents</a>

    Observance of proportions when gluing wallpapers

    Recommended order for gluing wallpaper in a room.During the pasting process, special attention should be paid to how to dilute the wallpaper glue. In order to properly dilute the glue, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • Instructions on the packaging should be carefullystudied. This step is very important. It is especially important to correctly observe the proportions: the rules for breeding a dry mixture must also be known. And the proportions can be significantly different, taking into account different types of work and paintings.
  • It is necessary to take a convenient bucket, pourthere is warm water, then gently pour out the dry mixture or granules depending on what was chosen. It is very important not to forget that it is the powder and granules that must be added to the water, and not vice versa. Otherwise, the result will satisfy you.
  • The resulting adhesive must be mixed thoroughly with a longstick (you can use a blade for this). Stirring should be intense so that no lumps remain. The adhesive mixture must be uniform.
  • It happens that the resulting mixture turns out to betoo thick, but you can deal with this problem without much difficulty. You just need to add a certain amount of warm water there, after which everything is diluted to the normal state, which is provided in the instructions. It is very important not to overdo it, since if the glue is too liquid, it will no longer be possible to bring it to the required density. If the mixture is liquid, then it can be effectively used for priming the walls of the room. After the preparation of the adhesive mass is complete, you need to give it time to swell properly. The time for this is indicated on the packaging. This factor is very important, since for each specific composition such time is strictly individual. If everything is done correctly, then after all these manipulations you can start gluing the wallpaper. However, before this, the walls must be prepared.

