House and Cottage

A modern house, photos of which have bypassed the whole world


Small country houses in the Moscow region thoughmore than enough, but this is not found anywhere else in the world! And the whole thing is in the unusual desire of the customer and in the excellent imagination of the performer. The square one-story house is located in Shatura, and it seems banal until you see it with your own eyes. Then it becomes clear what a colossal work of architects is behind these walls. Related Articles Le Atelier, Architectural Bureau Create and implement the most relevant and sharp ideas in the field of architecture and design. Use an interdisciplinary approach to deliver truly powerful ideas to clients. A good team, excellent knowledge of traditional and modern building technologies and a passion for work help to translate these ideas into the reality of well-designed spaces. It all started with the fact that the customer had already built the foundation, but there was neither the house itself, nor the project, and an architect was badly needed. With two conditions: do not touch the old foundation, the house should have only one floor. To make the result not only in line with the owner's wishes, but also comfortable, stylish and modern, an original idea was needed. And she was found! On the way from Moscow to Shatura you can meetA variety of houses, built from all sorts of materials and in different years. These are wooden semi-izbushki, and huge brick houses, hastily erected in the 90's, and long-abandoned buildings with blocked windows, once served as public buildings. All this decided to assemble into one, take the old idea and re-embody them, but now with the mind. As a result, the house consists of three blocks: In the center - living room-kitchen with panoramic glazing and bescherdichnym overlap. On one axis, a kitchen set Cesar, a dining and sofa area - a sofa Cassina, tables Linteloo. In the block, which is located closer to the entrance to the site, is the master bedroom, and in the farthest - two children's. It turned out that one big house is likeconsists of three small ones that fit perfectly into the scale of the site and the environment. And there are so many interesting details, different shapes and materials! Wood, bricks, mismatched windows and skillfully used outdoor lighting - this house makes you want to look at it endlessly. Related Articles

