Apartments more than 90 sq.m.

Modern style interior design of the apartment with a loft and access to the roof


What's the point of keeping the kitchen behind glass wallsis it possible to combine boards with 3D panels, is it worth replacing lamps with neon ribbons and why size is not the most important thing for a bedroom ... Read about this in our new material. even 300 years ago. This house is a little over 50 years old, but looking at it, it seems that you are contemplating a passing era, which at the last moment someone grabbed the sleeve and pulled back. This someone is an Italian company with an unpretentious name Building, specializing in construction, design, transformation and implementation of innovative technologies in projects with very different histories. In the house called The Number 6 used to beBank, and now there are several apartments, some of which are two-story, own patio and the most carefully preserved external architecture. One of the apartments on the top floor struck ourImagination at once with several finds. First, often today meeting in the office buildings reception rooms-aquariums is realized here quite unusual, however in a spectacular way. In the glass "aquarium" there is a kitchen,Both sides of which are a dining room and living room. Thus, the architects managed to leave the space conditionally open and save on electric lighting - thanks to the transparent partitions it was enough to mount only a few LED neon strips. Opinion of the Editorial Board: - The variant with a show kitchen is hardly suitable for a family that gravitates toward "fast" or purchased food. In such an apartment, the cooking process will be elevated to the level of real art, worthy of all admiration of others. However, if you really can not love spoons, cookies, you should also try to turn the kitchen into a stage. And there already who knows ... Editorial opinion:- Pay attention to thoughtful. This is an important point in absolutely any space, and especially in an interior with glass partitions. Light is the main tool that creates mood and changes it depending on intensity, temperature and color. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can take into account all the nuances, it is better to invite a specialist - an interior designer. The second thing we noticed isattic floor, which houses a white bedroom, an open bathroom and a chill-out area. The bedroom is finished with highlighted wood and. The combination, I must say, justified itself. Together with neon lighting, the space with a complex interior architecture looks more than interesting. The chill-out area with panoramic glazing will be especially appreciated by convivial tenants who do not want to vegetate in the TV company.

