Do you know which wallpapers are the most fashionable of those presented?in winter collections? Wallpaper from famous English factories, which we will tell you about today! Everyone knows that the most beautiful wallpaper is made in England. Of course, this does not detract from the merits of some collections from factories in other countries, but generally speaking, you need to go to the English for wallpaper. This has happened historically and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, having decided to tell you about the most beautiful wallpaper for winter 2016, the editors went to the store and looked through a huge number of wallpapers, from which they ultimately chose only a few collections, and in each - the most beautiful. We are sure that you will like our choice. Scion (Guess Who? collection) Guess Who? is a children's collection. The theme of wallpaper and textiles combines a variety of stories. And the brand's symbol, the red fox (Mr. Fox), now "travels" not only on wallpaper, but also on fabrics.
Farrow & Ball (new Hornbeam designs,Blostma and Feather Grass) Feather Grass is a wallpaper with a pattern that reaches one and a half meters in width. The wallpaper depicts elegant feather grass ears that seem to grow out of the floor. This design, like other wallpapers of the brand, is exclusively presented in English decor stores.
Hornbeam - a design that became famousthanks to the English gardener Tom Stuart-Smith. He trimmed small trees with dense crowns (very popular in rural areas of Britain) into the shape of clouds. Hornbeam is translated from English as "hornbeam".
If you like how a passing breezesuddenly plucks the weak petals of flowers and carries them away, then the Blostma design is made especially for you. Blostma, by the way, is a type of flower that grows in England.
Designers Guild (Carifoglio collection) BFor the fall-winter 2016 season, the famous British company Designers Guild decided to turn to Italian fresco painting of the Renaissance and the floral motifs of the Pre-Raphaelite artists. This theme contributed to the creation of truly amazing color combinations.
Harlequin (Palmetto collection)The Palmetto collection combines two completely different stylistic directions: the gloss of the 20s of the XX century and floral motifs. It seems to me that the passion for bright spring flowers, which was popular before, has given way to a mystical mood. The atmosphere of 2015 is filled with magic, and plant elements are increasingly used. Becky Brown, designer
Osborne & Little (Fontibre collections byNina Campbell and Cubana by Matthew Williamson) Nina Campbell's collection with the exotic name Fontibre was born from the travels of the designer's uncle, Stratford watercolourist Hely Hutchinson Keightley, to the countries of the East. All the ornaments and colour palette of the collection have either geographical references or references to local attributes. For example, the basis of the textile with the interesting name Pachinko is the pattern of camel harness decoration.
The Matthew Williamson CollectionWilliamson) Cubana took inspiration from the designer's fall clothing collection, which featured the season's trendy color palette: aqua, coral, turquoise, fuchsia, grass green and ultramarine.
The most fashionable wallpaper: the best manufacturers and new wallpapers