Сколько кустов земляники понадобится, чтобы to cover the facade of a 600-meter building, why you should treat plywood with soap and where to hang an empty birdcage - you will learn from our new article The owner of this house is a creative and multifaceted person. Joost Bakker manages to combine the functions of a designer, florist, restaurateur, entrepreneur and fighter for zero-waste production with the most important job in the world - husband and father of three daughters. Having moved from Holland toAustralia, Joost could not come to terms with the indifference of the local population to garden plots, and having built his own house, he planted 200 trees at once. In addition, the Becker family planted a vegetable garden with fruits and vegetables, and the facade of their 600-meter house was given over to 11,000 wild strawberry bushes. The house itself, according to the owners, is 90%It is made from recyclable materials with a minimum of chemicals, and even the plywood used to cover the floors and ceilings of all interior spaces is treated not with varnish or wax, but with ordinary soap. Our opinion - Caring for the environment is a matter ofcommendable, but we couldn't help but notice the decorative design of the Becker home. Look at how many curious little things this interior is filled with. Most of these accessories can be created with your own hands, thus giving new life to things that seem to have served their purpose.