Summer is already ending, but the memories of itcan be saved. Especially if you managed to go on an amazing trip during this sunny time of year. We will tell you how to make souvenirs and photos from your vacation fit harmoniously into the interior and constantly remind you of summer happiness. Many of us have a thirst for collecting. It reaches its peak on vacation - you want to buy everything at once. Restrain yourself and bring home the most beautiful! Treasures from travels have no place in a distant drawer - you need to skillfully fit the items into the interior. There are several ways. Memory board Memory board has become a popular decorative element. To place photos, tickets from distant countries and even bills from a restaurant, you can use a picture board, a magnetic board or just a section of the wall. There is also a place for souvenirs - for this you need special fasteners. Rest assured, now your love of travel will not go unnoticed! You can read about other ways to decorate your walls .
Behind the glass Under the transparent cover of the magazinetables, in jars or vases, in boxes with glass lids — there are many options. Using this material makes the interior more noble and elegant. Shells, pebbles, sand in jars and vases will give you a feeling of summer. If you like the marine theme, then you will find our
Travel Map If you are an avid travelertravel, you will love the idea of placing a geographical map on the wall of your room. On it you can attach photos, magnets and other souvenirs from distant travels. You will get a completely unique wall that will constantly remind you of summer.
Galleries These can be photographs, postcards,tickets, plates, African masks. Almost anything! Souvenirs brought from a trip may well become the first exhibits of your collection. It is necessary that your treasures "work" for the general idea of the interior. Therefore, when buying souvenirs, it is advisable to consider where exactly it is best to place them. Photos preserve our most positive emotions, and they should definitely not be kept "in the drawer". With our advice .
Collections on the shelves This is a very simple anda common option. If you have several souvenirs in the same style, do not place the items on different shelves - it is better to group them on one. However, make sure that there is some "air", otherwise the collection will simply "get lost" in space. To enhance the effect, you can use background lighting.
How to display holiday souvenirs and photos: ideas and tips –