An integral part of the New Year's magic forchildren is a festive decor of the nursery. We will tell you how to decorate a room for the New Year and give your child a fairy tale On the eve of the New Year holidays, all children are waiting for a miracle. And it is in the power of adults to make the miracle happen. And you should start preparing for creating a New Year's fairy tale of your own composition with a festive decoration of the nursery. Decorating a nursery for the New Year is a very responsible task. We offer you seven bright and cute ideas that will help turn an ordinary room into a magical one. 1. Thematic wall decor Walls are the most suitable place for seasonal themed decor. There will certainly be free space on them where you and your child can make a New Year's applique from temporary decorative stickers or an original panel in the form of a Christmas tree from balls and garlands. Use decorative techniques and materials that can be easily removed at the end of the holidays without harming the surfaces. Related articles
2.Patterns on the window Another spectacular type of New Year's decor is window painting. Using special paints or temporary applications, you can decorate the glass with themed drawings for the holidays. Depending on your artistic abilities, you can depict a whole New Year's scene or just draw a few snowflakes. In any case, joint creative work will provide a festive mood for you and your household.
3.Homemade toys Standard glass Christmas tree decorations are not safe enough for a child's room, so it is worth replacing them with other decorations. These can be plastic toys, cones painted in different colors, balls made of branches or threads, fancy cookies, knitted pendants. Of course, you can buy all this in stores, but it will be better and more fun to make decorations yourself, involving the child. Our opinion: - The more often you involve the child in decorating his room, the better. Decorating a child's room for the New Year is a great reason for this. Joint handicraft activities are useful both from a psychological and practical point of view. By creating decor with their own hands, the child will develop creativity and begin to treat the interior more carefully (and isn't this what all parents dream of?).
4.Garlands Of course, when it comes to New Year's garlands, we imagine cheerful, iridescent lights. However, in order to use an electric garland in the decor of a child's room, you must be sure of its safety and that the child will not turn it on independently. If you are not so sure, it is better to replace the glowing garlands with those made of paper, threads and tinsel (children simply adore them). Use bright and shiny materials, as well as a variety of pendants. Such safe New Year's garlands will look great literally anywhere: on the walls, window, door, hanging from the ceiling, on the back of a child's bed. You can hang them anywhere and anyhow, because you do not need an outlet.
5.Themed bedding Younger children will certainly be delighted with colorful bedding with New Year characters. If you are decorating a room for an older child, it is enough to choose textiles with an unobtrusive thematic pattern (stars, snowflakes, deer ornament), made in one of the traditional color combinations, for example, white with red.
6.Christmas tree It is customary to put a Christmas tree in the main room of the house - the living room. Often this is the reason that it is simply impossible to send children to their room, as they do not want to part with the forest beauty. Therefore, to make sure that the kids go to bed on time and without hysterics, we recommend putting another Christmas tree in the children's room. This can be a small fake tree made of ribbons and cardboard or a larger artificial tree. And if the size of the children's room allows and the inhabitants of the room have already left kindergarten age, you can easily install a full-fledged live Christmas tree. The main thing is to remember that no matter which option you choose, on the morning of January 1st, gifts should appear under the tree! Our opinion: - To safely decorate the Christmas tree in the children's room, you can use all the same homemade decorations: knitted pendants, paper snowflakes, cookies. You can also hang children's toys on the tree. By the way, toys can also be used in other decor options, for example, in garlands. Related articles
7.Decorative socks for gifts The New Year holidays last quite a long time, which means there will be plenty of reasons for gifts. Therefore, in the decor of the nursery, it is worth considering different places for their “magical” appearance. Hang several large, bright knitted socks in different corners of the room. They will not only make the interior even more festive, but also turn the search for gifts into an exciting game for children.
How to decorate a house for the New Year with your own hands: ideas for a child