To make your house warmer, you shouldcarry out a whole range of works aimed at its insulation. The primary task here is the thermal insulation of the floor, but it is important to choose the right material so that the work is effective. The most common thermal insulator is foam plastic, which is due to its many advantages. Before insulating the floor with foam plastic, you should familiarize yourself with the technology of the work, because only then will the master be able to achieve a positive result.To insulate the floor with foam plastic, you first need to clean the base, then lay the film, ensuring an overlap, and secure the edges with tape.
Thermal insulation of a wooden floor
As a rule, private houses are equipped withwooden floors, as they exert minimal loads on the floor. Floor insulation with foam plastic should be done only after the surface has been prepared. It is necessary to clean the base, get rid of cracks and crevices through which parasites can penetrate. Then the film is laid, ensuring an overlap, the width of which is 10 cm.Scheme of insulating a wooden floor with foam plastic.After laying the waterproofing, the edges must be secured with tape. The laid coating should be covered with foam sheets. The resulting joints must be removed by foaming with a mounting compound. Then another layer of film should be applied, which will prevent moisture from affecting the material from the room. After all the above steps have been completed, you can proceed to the installation of the concrete screed and the installation of the finishing coating. The thickness of the solution layer should be 5 cm. To carry out the work, you should prepare some tools and materials:
- film;
- mounting foam;
- Styrofoam;
- cement;
- sand;
- capacity;
- shovel.
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Insulation of concrete floor
Thermal insulation of a concrete floor is carried out in cases where there is a ceiling with a basement underneath, and without it.Table of characteristics of polystyrene foam.If there is a basement under the floor, the concrete floor may be even colder. If there is access to the basement, it is preferable to fasten the material from the basement side. This allows you to place the slab in an air gap. In order to insulate the floor, you should use foam plastic with a thickness of 5-10 cm. The material should be fixed to the surface in the basement space with plastic dowels, which are 120-140 mm long. It is necessary to start working from the most remote areas of the room. The sheet should be applied to the slab, make holes through it using a hammer drill. Then the sheet must be put aside, continuing drilling, the diameter of the holes should be equal to the corresponding indicator inherent in the fastener. Before insulating the surface with foam plastic with your own hands, it is necessary to apply glue to the sheets intended for working with insulation. The sheets should be fixed with dowels, filling the resulting seams with mounting foam.
Scheme of insulation of concrete floor with the help offoam plastic. When carrying out this type of work from the basement, it may happen that it will not be possible to use whole sheets. In this case, you can initially prepare a template for cutting the material from cardboard, along which the sheet of insulation of the appropriate size is cut and fixed in place. After the insulation of the floor with foam plastic has been completed, the surface should be left until the glue dries. Then you need to protect the surface of the insulation, since it is flammable. You should use plaster for this. It is permissible to use a composition for working with ceramics, in this case it is worth using a reinforcing mesh. This will allow you to arrange a fairly thin but reliable layer. Return to the table of contents</a>
Thermal insulation of a concrete floor in a building without a basement
If you insulate with foam plastic yourselfis supposed to be done in a floor area that does not have a basement underneath, then it is worth getting rid of the old floor covering first. The subfloor should be checked for chips, which can be removed using an adhesive for laying ceramic tiles.Thermal insulation scheme for a concrete floor without a basement.Cracks can be eliminated by applying a thick solution laid with a steel spatula. As soon as the mixture dries, you can proceed to waterproofing the surface. For this, it is recommended to use bitumen mastic, which can be replaced with roll material. When laying, the material should go onto the surface of the walls by 10-15 cm. Next, you need to lay the reinforcement, which can be a masonry mesh. After that, you can begin insulating the floor with foam. The optimal thickness of the material is 2-3 cm. Laying should be done as tightly as possible, distributing the mixture over the sheets. The formation of gaps should be avoided. Before the foam, it is worth preparing glue, mixed with a drill with a mixer operating at medium speed. The mixture cakes should be removed by 30 cm, which will be enough for strong fastening. After the laying of the sheets is complete, the insulation should be left for a while until the mixture gains strength, then you can begin installing the beacons. In order to install the outer ones, you should make marks on the walls using a water level, while the remaining elements should be installed using a linear level. To attach the beacons, you should use the remains of the glue. Their distance should be 1.4 m. This is necessary for the even laying of the screed, the mixture of which should be thrown between the marks, removing the excess with a lath, which will give the floor an ideal surface. If you intend to choose parquet as a finishing coating, after the screed has gained strength, you must additionally fill the floor with a self-leveling compound of 2-3 mm. Return to the table of contents</a>
Warming of the floor on the ground
In order to insulate the floor, arranged onthe soil, it should be leveled. If the soil is loose, it should be compacted and allowed to settle for a month. Next, a 10 cm thick crushed stone cushion is arranged, gravel can be used instead, in any case, it will be necessary to ram it. Then a layer of sand of the same thickness is laid, pressed and covered with a film. The base for do-it-yourself foam floor insulation should be dry and clean, and also free of significant irregularities.Floor insulation scheme on the ground.Polyethylene with a thickness of 0.2 mm or roofing felt can be used as moisture protection. The strips of material should be laid with an overlap of 10 cm and an output on the wall surface of 15 cm. The insulation should be laid starting from the corner, pressing tightly. To ensure bandaging, the next row should be started with ½ of the slab. It is recommended to lay in 2 layers, pursuing the goal of shifting the seams in order to prevent the formation of cold bridges. The use of material with milled tongue-and-groove locks will completely prevent the penetration of cold. The last sheets must be cut a little larger in size so that they are laid with effort. After this, the material should be covered with another layer of polyethylene with a thickness of 0.2 mm. Roofing felt can be used instead, bringing its edges up the wall. To achieve more impressive floor durability, it is recommended to reinforce the screed with a steel or alkali-resistant mesh. Concrete must be poured onto the laid slabs, which is made thick. The minimum thickness of the screed should be 4 cm. Insulating the floor is not a difficult task, so you can do the work yourself.