It's not as difficult as it may seem to many.If you do everything according to the recommendations of specialists, then everything will definitely turn out at the highest level. First of all, you need to work in rubber boots, because you need to be prepared for the fact that you will often have to step on concrete. As for the tools, you will need:You can pour a concrete floor yourself, but you must strictly follow the technology for pouring the floor.
Instructions for pouring concrete
Structural diagram of a concrete floor.It is necessary to take into account that when forming a slab, the concrete mass between the "beacons" should be distributed evenly, this is very important for the quality of work. You should not make too much of the mixture, as well as too little, since this can lead to serious complications in the work. In this regard, in the process of pouring a concrete floor, you can use a deep vibrator, thanks to which the concrete mixture spreads over the surface without any effort, which ensures high-quality concrete laying. But you need to take into account the fact that the cost of such a tool is quite high, so it is not often used in private construction. To pour a concrete floor, you can use a rule. After feeding the concrete mixture to the pouring area, you need to run the rule along the "beacons" - this way the concrete floor is leveled. In this case, we move the rule towards ourselves, it should be moved with vibrating movements from left to right. You should pay attention to the unevenness on the surface. If there are any, you should repeat the process until you get a perfectly flat surface.
The concrete is poured according to the ruleexposed beacons. Now it's time to smooth the concrete mixture that has been laid. Concrete can be smoothed after pouring, or it can be done after working with the rule. The sequence of actions is not particularly important, you just need to wait until the concrete has completely hardened. You can use a variety of trowels for this purpose, homemade or purchased. The most important thing here is that the surface is perfectly smooth, it is good if it is glossy. You can simply use a piece of laminated plywood. With such a trowel, you can make a layer of sand and cement on the surface. The fact is that water in the concrete is the lightest component. As a result of working with a trowel, water comes to the surface. Due to this, a layer is formed on the surface that is free of rubble, and this is a prerequisite for further grouting. Return to the table of contents</a>Helpful Tips Once the concrete floor has been poured, you need to wait a certain amount of time until it hardens completely.
Floor diagram on the ground.As for the timing, it all depends on the season and temperature, it can take from 1 to 10 hours. In order for the concrete floor surface to be completely compacted, additional processing is required. Here we are talking about grouting and grinding. In order to make a high-quality grout, kneeboards are used - then the raw concrete will not be pressed through. Such boards are made of thick plywood, their size is approximately 60 x 60 cm, and a block should be attached to one side to make it easier to work. In order to grout the concrete, you need to use a float. Concrete should be rubbed with both hands, it hardens quickly, which requires a lot of effort. It should be borne in mind that the smoother and more durable the concrete is laid, the easier it will be to carry out further work. In order to, you need to follow some advice. You should not walk on concrete the next day after pouring, even if it seems hard. In fact, concrete tends to harden slowly. It takes at least 28 days for the concrete floor to be completely ready. To ensure quality, you need to take care of the concrete in the first few days, namely, moisten it with water so that it does not dry too quickly. And a lot also depends on the weather conditions. If it is hot outside, then the floor needs to be moistened every 3-4 hours. You can also cover the floor with a film, then the moisture will not evaporate and the slabs will not dry too quickly. If everything is done properly, then you can be sure that everything will go well, and there is no need to invite specialists for this.