In anticipation of the cold weather, Roomble tells itsreaders, how to prepare decorative ponds for winter Late autumn is the best time to prepare your summer cottage for winter, and if among the decorative items on the territory of your country house there is a decorative pond, then preparations for frosty time become much more exciting. Today we will tell and show you what to do with decorative ponds, aquatic plants and in which hotels to settle freshwater inhabitants of your pond. So, first, let's clarify what types of ponds there are. Ponds can be largeand small
It is much easier to prepare a small pond for wintereasier. It is enough to pump out the water, remove all the plants and fish (if any) and send them for the winter. We advise you to place the fish in a specially prepared barrel, and also buy a pump that will saturate the water with oxygen. However, today there are even special companies that are ready to take freshwater inhabitants for winter storage.
Especially for those who know all their fish by name and can easily tell about their family ties, Roomble inquired about the prices of “fish hotels”. So:
- For the "invitation" of five fish, which do not exceed 10 cm, they will take about one thousand rubles.
- Resting aquatic inhabitants up to 20 cm in size will cost owners 300 rubles per piece.
- In some “winter apartments” the prices for fish are calculated differently – depending on the breed, size, and quantity.
With plants, things are much simpler: they can be moved to the basement (or any other room) and placed in containers with water.A small pond can be covered with boards or polyethylene for the winter to prevent debris from getting into it from the site during heavy autumn rains, and snow in the winter, respectively.
Editorial opinion:
- Pipes, through which the water flows, is closed not with wooden but with foam plastic "plugs"! Since the tree has the property of swelling in the water.
- If the pond on your site is natural, then you can leave the water for winter in it, and all frost-resistant plants need to be cut to the water level.
- And if there is reed in your pond, you should not cut it - it serves as an air duct and provides the fish with oxygen. And if there is no reed, cut a small hole in the ice in winter.
Heat-loving vegetation such as sedge,Cannas or irises should be taken indoors for the winter. However, it is important to remember that these plants do not necessarily need a lot of light, but they do need to be watered regularly.
Fish, as a rule, prefer to spend the winter,buried in the mud - it's warm and comfortable for them there. Therefore, it's better not to remove the mud from the pond, so as not to leave the fish without a "night's lodging", because not every fish can afford a "hotel". Roomble advises:
- Buy an aerator - a special device that prevents blooming of your pond.
- Acquire a special device that will provide wormwood in your pond, often it is combined with water pressure filters.
- Periodically clean the frozen surface of the reservoir from snow, and do not cover the reservoir with boards or special burlap. For fish and plants, light is important!
In case there is a pond on your siteconcrete or plastic, and its reliability is not in doubt, it is not necessary to drain the water for the winter. However, if the pond is located above ground level, the water level should be lowered.
And finally, if you are the owner of a plasticdecorative pond and did not skip physics classes at school, then you know that with the onset of frost, water tends to expand, and this is fraught with danger for the frame.
Roomble advises:
- Do not dispose of empty plastic bottles, butFill them with sand about half and put it on the bottom of your plastic pond. The fact is that they are able to withstand the pressure of ice, as your liver once contained.
- Before the frost sets in, throw a few rubber balls or logs into the pond - then the walls of your pond will not be damaged by harmful ice.
We hope that Roomble helped you prepare your decorative pond for winter. And in the summer you will be able to admire your reflection in the crystal clear water.