In the showroom Galleria Arben on Berezhkovskayaa master class dedicated to interior photography and presentations of new collections was held on the embankment. Everyone who came to Galleria Arben that day was treated not only to delicious croissants, but also to an interesting workshop by Yulia Chebotar, dedicated to the use of various decorative items for interior photography. After the lecture, Yulia was happy to answer all the questions that the audience had. The event was hosted by Oksana Kashenko, editor-in-chief of the portal.
In addition, brand manager Evgeniya Lapanikspoke about the Galleria Arben company and about new collections of fabrics from the warehouse program. The conversation also turned to how to get interior items and accessories for a photo shoot. The conditions of the pre-New Year sale were mentioned separately. And the business program was completed by the charismatic Nikolai Fetisov with a story about a new collection of wall decorative canvases, the prints for which were created by the artist Kirill Ovchinnikov.
Photo report from the seminar in the show room Galleria Arben