In both residential and office premises, repairsstarts with the ceiling. This is the most difficult part of finishing work. There are various ways to decorate the ceiling, but none of them can do without putty. Before you putty the ceiling with your own hands, you need to decide on the materials and tools. The process is very labor-intensive and requires great care. There are several methods for eliminating unevenness from ceilings and ceiling panels, but leveling with putty is highly valued and relevant to this day. If the difference in levels in the ceiling covering is more than 5 cm, then the only possible way to level is to putty the ceiling with your own hands. This is the only way to do it well. Puttying a plasterboard ceiling cannot be done using machines; this is exclusively manual work that requires great care.If the differences in ceiling level are too great, then it must be filled before final finishing.
Ceiling of the ceiling with your own hands: tools and materials
The preparatory work for puttying is the same, regardless of whether the ceiling will be wallpapered or painted later. For puttying, you need to prepare:Plastering the ceiling is done in several stages.
- spatula, preferably at least 3 species;
- container for putty;
- mixer;
- brush;
- roller;
- construction sandpaper;
- level;
- level;
- putty;
- working clothes and gloves;
- a bucket for clean water;
- respirator.
The putty can be applied to any surface -on concrete, wood, columns or beams, as well as plasterboard or steel. But before applying it, each surface must be specially prepared. Return to contents</a>
Ceiling Filler: Surface Preparation
Methods of throwing putty solution onceiling. Before the leveling and priming procedure, the surface must be cleaned of old paint, whitewash, and other possible coatings. The better the finish, the easier it will be to carry out further work. You can clean the ceiling with your own hands using a special scraper or spatula. You can scrape off the old coating dry, but in many cases adding water simplifies the work. After wetting the surface with a spray bottle as thoroughly as possible, you should then open the windows and create a draft in the room. In most cases, the putty swells with bubbles from this and comes off the surface itself, and it is not difficult to remove it yourself. After removing the coating, the ceiling is well washed. Before puttying the ceiling with your own hands, you also need to decide on the method of leveling it, since depending on this, the choice of material can vary greatly. There is a distinction between leveling for water-based paints, universal. If the ceiling covering is concrete, then first of all it is cleaned of dirt. Before filling the ceiling, special attention should be paid to mold, mildew and other harmful formations. These areas should be treated with a special disinfectant solution before filling, as mold can penetrate deep into concrete surfaces through the pores. If a large part of the concrete slab surface is affected by fungus, it can be fought with blowtorches or plasma welding, as open fire is very effective. But at the same time, you should also remember the fire safety rules. Return to contents</a>
Ceiling of ceilings: preliminary stage
For puttying the plasterboard ceiling on the seamthe mesh is applied. Puttying a plasterboard ceiling differs from plastering in the size of the filler used. In this case, it is very fine and is great for eliminating minor defects, irregularities and cracks, to obtain a perfectly smooth surface. First, the cleaned concrete surface must be covered with a strengthening compound or a special primer. It is also acceptable to use both products in stages, since they are often well compatible. Primers produce a glossy surface at the output. For better adhesion to the concrete surface, sandblasting or notches and cuts are often used. If puttying is carried out on a wooden or steel surface, then a fine metal mesh is pre-stretched onto the ceiling, the cells of which do not exceed 1 cm. It is attached to the surface, to all joints and seams using special nails with wide heads or staples. Return to contents</a>
Ceiling of ceilings on beacons: technology
When filling a plasterboard ceiling, you need tofill all the screw holes. A very important part of the work is setting up the so-called beacons, along the length of which the ceiling is then puttied. If you install them according to all the rules, the probability of getting a very even and beautiful ceiling increases greatly. That is why it is very important to follow all the stages of the work and take accurate measurements. This stage of the work begins with leveling the room, a zero mark is made on the walls with a painter's cord. They determine the point on the ceiling that is located below all, and install the first beacon. The layer of putty and plaster should not exceed 5 cm in total, therefore, the height of the beacons should not exceed this value. This is checked using a level. When the difference in height is greater than this value, then before the plasterboard ceiling is puttied, it is leveled using dry mixes.
After the putty has dried, the ceiling is sanded.special float. The plasterboard ceiling putty can have a different composition. In this regard, the rules for working with it are slightly different. If the solution is based on gypsum, then each subsequent layer can be applied 20-30 minutes after the previous one, while for a cement mortar this interval is at least 2 hours. Lime solutions are visually controlled and the next layer is applied when the previous one turns white, without waiting for it to harden completely. When the final layer of putty dries, the marks with beacons are removed, and the places where they were located are filled with the used solution. Then the evenness of the layers is checked, correcting small differences in height with a float. Only after complete drying is the covering layer applied, carefully leveled and creating a smooth surface. Return to the table of contents</a>
Ceiling filler from gypsum board: the final stage
On the plasterboard surface to be puttied with your own handsIt is permissible to fix another grid with your hands for strength and better alignment. The putty solution, when it is already diluted and thoroughly mixed, hardens very quickly, so you should work at a pace. Using a narrow spatula, the mass is transferred to a wide one, then to the ceiling and pressed firmly to it. Dirt is easily removed using a special grouting grid. The ceiling is sanded after all the layers applied to it have completely dried. When working, the putty mixture is taken on the spatula carefully and little by little, it is distributed along the center of the blade. It is applied to the ceiling so that the surface at the exit is smooth and even, since it is impossible to go back and redo the work again. To avoid streaks from the spatula on the ceiling, it is held at a slight angle to the work surface. The quality of the work performed and the convenience for the master largely depend on the correctly selected tool. The canvas should be chosen based on its hardness: it should be medium, since a soft spatula will bend during work, leaving burrs. A respirator will be needed for the final sanding of the work surface, since this is a very dusty job. There are special sanders that come with a dust collector, but it is better to be on the safe side in this matter.