Plastering work is required in order toprepare the walls for finishing, level them, give them the necessary properties. Applying plaster with your own hands is not so difficult, but you need to have some experience. A special plaster mixture is used for the work, it is selected for a specific type of walls.Plastering the walls is necessary if you want to wallpaperwalls with wallpaper or paint. Today, you can find a variety of compounds on sale that are used at certain stages of the work. With their help, you can prepare the wall before gluing the wallpaper, level it, create protection from moisture. In addition to the selected version of the plaster mixture, you will need the following for the work:
Tools for plastering walls.
- mixing tank;
- electric drill with a nozzle "construction mixer";
- building level;
- lighthouses;
- a set of plaster tools (angular equalizer, wide metal spatula, scoop, falcon, plaster trowel and trowel, grater and semifinished);
- rule;
- protective gloves for work.
It's not that difficult to do it yourself, but you need to follow the rulesall stages of work. The mixture should be homogeneous when stirred. Before starting, it is necessary to completely remove the old coating from the walls; when leveling, it is knocked down to the base. Then the condition of the wall must be assessed, all cracks and other defects must be eliminated.
Types of plaster for work
To plaster walls, you can usevarious mixtures. They all differ in properties and purpose. Primers provide a rough surface, they are great for preparing a wall for cladding or facing. The layer will be durable, have a smooth surface, and be resistant to various types of impacts.Wall plastering scheme.Finish plaster is also called a covering coat. This is a completely independent type of finishing. Such compositions adhere well to the ground, i.e. they are applied after the preliminary primer layer has been applied. If the surface is to be painted with enamels, the wall should be made as even and absolutely smooth as possible. Protective plaster helps protect the surface from excessive moisture. Such compositions are suitable for basements and ground floors. External compositions are a completely separate type of coatings that are used only for external work. The type of such plaster mixtures can be different. This is the well-known "bark beetle", "marble" coatings and other options. The color of the plaster mixture can be different. Experience is required for application, it is usually recommended to use the services of professionals. Return to the table of contents</a>
Composition of the plaster mixture
You can plaster the walls with special mixtures,which include various components that provide the required properties. The filler is quartz sand, white and sifted. Sea sand cannot be used, as it contains a large number of shells and crumbs. Mountain sand, which is better not to use, contains numerous impurities.Scheme of production of dry limeplaster mix. It is best to plaster the walls using coral, white river sand. If you are going to plaster smooth concrete walls, then you need to use ground quartz, which will ensure the durability of the coating. Cement, gypsum, lime or clay are used as binders. Everything depends on the stage of work and what the wall will be like. It is better to use 2 types of binders for the solution. Clay is rarely used today, it is no longer used for interior work, since it has the property of heaving, the cladding can lose its attractive properties over time. Lime gives the mixture strength. It is necessary to plaster the walls with such a solution when a smooth and light surface is required. During drying, drafts must be avoided, since the surface will crack. Gypsum is used when it is necessary to plaster the walls before finishing clean work. The mixture is mixed in small portions during work, since it retains its properties only for 10 minutes. Cement is the most durable binder, it is used for various works, including external and internal, leveling, when high-quality repair of the surface is required. Return to contents</a>
Stucco walls by lighthouses
The most commonly used method for walls isplastering with the installation of metal beacons. They allow for ideal alignment. In addition to metal, gypsum beacons and mortar beacons are also used; the choice depends on the specific working conditions. If the strength of the base wall is sufficient, then metal guides can be mounted in it, i.e. it is best to use metal beacons.Scheme of plastering a wall using beacons.In order to plaster the walls evenly, you must first make markings. An arbitrary point is marked on the wall, a nail is driven in at a distance of 15-20 cm from it, a plumb line will be fixed to it, i.e. a small weight on a string. The same nail is driven in below, another plumb line is installed. Between 2 nails, 3 sections of mortar are thrown. An aluminum beacon is placed on the mortar, additionally it is fixed with self-tapping screws. Beacons must be installed by pressing into the mortar, checking their evenness. All beacons are installed along the walls, the step between them should not exceed 1 m. After installation, it is necessary to additionally check the evenness of their location, strengthen the beacons on 2 sides, leave them until the mortar hardens. Return to the table of contents</a>
Stages of plaster application
There are various methods for plastering walls.Popular methods are "splashing", priming, and "covering". To plaster walls using the first method, you need to prepare a solution of a creamy consistency, it should be easily sprayed onto the surface. The thickness of the layer depends on the wall material. For wooden walls it should be 10 mm, and for concrete and brick walls - 4-5 mm. The prepared solution is collected in a hawk, after which, using a spatula, the plaster is literally sprayed onto the walls with careful movements. It is best to do this with a brush. This method completely covers the entire wall, there is no need to level it. Only those areas that protrude too much should be removed. The priming method is applicable as a 2nd layer. First, a solution with a doughy consistency is mixed. Before applying, you need to make sure that the plaster is completely dry. This is easy to check: if the wall does not sag when pressed with a finger, then priming can begin. The plaster is thrown onto the surface, after which it is carefully leveled from the bottom up with a rule. All remaining excess should be removed into a container with the mixture. During leveling, the surface should be even and smooth, it is necessary to plaster so that there are no empty spaces. The final leveling is carried out with a float, which is moved in the vertical and horizontal directions. The layer thickness is 20 mm for a wooden wall, for the rest it can be less. After the second layer has dried, you can plaster the walls, applying the 3rd one using the "covering" method. For this, a mixture of creamy liquid consistency is used, such a layer will perfectly hide all the flaws that may have remained after priming. The maximum thickness is 2 mm, while before mixing all the components must be sifted through a fine sieve. The wall is first wetted, then a thin layer of plaster is applied with a trowel. The solution can go beyond the edges of the beacons by 2-3 mm, but not more. The wall is leveled with a rule, with clear and neat movements. The beacons are removed, all cavities are filled with mortar, the surface is leveled. It is not that difficult, but it is necessary to choose the solution correctly, and then follow all the stages of the process. Before work, the base surface must be prepared, remove all defects. The thickness of the plaster during application depends on the material of the walls, for concrete and brick it will be less.</ ul>