If you decide to wallpaper during the renovation processwalls or paint them, then you can level the walls using putty. Before you putty the walls, you should decide on the type of mixture for the work. The choice will be influenced by the type of material that will be used for finishing. The quality of the walls and the intended purpose of the room are important. Ready-made or dry mixtures can be used in the work.Wall puttying scheme.
Features of using different types of putty
It should be noted that the mixture may beis intended for leveling or finishing application. There are also universal mixtures on sale. Starting putty should be used to eliminate significant irregularities. This type of mixture can be applied in a layer, the thickness of which is 10-30 mm, and you should not be afraid that the surface will be covered with cracks after this. Finishing mixtures are applied in a layer, the thickness of which should not exceed 10 mm, their composition is characterized by fine grain. But universal materials have the strength of starting mixtures, but the fractional composition is characterized by small grains, this allows using such compositions for finishing leveling. Wall puttying can be done with gypsum, polymer, cement or lime composition. The gypsum base can be laid under any finishing coating. After application, the mixture almost does not shrink. Application can be done in a layer exceeding 2 mm.Scheme for preparing putty.The disadvantage is the prohibition of use in rooms with high strength and sharp temperature variations. Walls can be puttied with polymer compounds before applying any finishing materials. The layer will not be affected by temperature changes. The disadvantage is the high cost. If you have to putty the walls in a room with high humidity, then you should use a cement composition. The disadvantage may be cracking of the base, slight elasticity, a long period of hardening and shrinkage. All these circumstances suggest the need for repeated puttying of the walls. Lime putties are used for finishing the outer surface of walls. This type of putty is recommended for use before finishing the walls with lime paints. Before puttying the walls, it is important to take into account that the average consumption of the mixture is 1.5 kg per 1 m2, which is true for a layer thickness of 5 mm. It is important to know that after the starting layer has dried, additional puttying of some areas may be required, which will increase consumption by an average of 2 kg. It is necessary to cover the walls with a second layer of putty, especially if their surface is supposed to be painted.
Tools for wall puttying. If you intend to putty the walls yourself, then before starting work you need to prepare the following tools:
- putty knife;
- rule;
- capacity;
- drill;
- A grater with a fastening for nazhdachki;
- a primer;
- rollers;
- polyethylene film.
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Preparation before starting puttying
If you are going to putty the walls made ofbricks of a newly built house, it is preferable to do this after plastering. When working with concrete walls, you can skip plastering. If the walls already have some kind of finishing coating, then you need to get rid of it in advance. If there are walls whose surface is covered with water-based paint or gypsum putty, they need to be moistened, and then the base should be treated with a spatula. If there is wallpaper on the walls, then you can get rid of it by wetting large areas. Acrylic and alkyd paint can be removed with a special wash. It is permissible to use a mechanical, but more labor-intensive method, which involves the use of a hammer. Return to the table of contents</a>Priming the walls before applying puttyScheme of priming walls.You can start filling the walls after their surface has been treated with a primer. You should use a deep penetration agent, it can increase the level of adhesion. The composition will penetrate the body of the wall and fill the cracks, which will eliminate minor damage. It should be applied with a roller or brush. In order to achieve an increased adhesion effect, it is preferable to apply the composition in two layers. After completing the process, the walls should be left to dry for 6-10 hours. Only then can you begin filling. It is better to fill in one go. This is due to the fact that the mixture dries quickly, and after half an hour it will be impossible to apply it to the wall without flaws. If you had to take a break, then before continuing filling, the edge of the filler should be well moistened with water. If leveling the walls requires applying several layers of the mixture, then the first layer should be arranged using a universal or starting composition. It is recommended to stick wallpaper on even walls, so before starting to putty, you should check them with a rule, applying it to the surface at different angles. If gaps were noticed between the tool and the wall, a more massive layer of putty should be applied in these places. If most of the protrusions are located vertically, in this case, the application should be done from the bottom up. Whereas in the case of a horizontal arrangement, the tool should be moved from right to left or vice versa. The first few mixes are better to do trial ones, slightly increasing the volume of the mixture. This will allow you to determine how long you can use the prepared mixture. The solution must be stirred until it acquires the consistency of thick sour cream. You can determine the readiness by collecting the mixture on the tool, it should not flow or slide off, but the composition should also be easy to remove. You need to apply the mixture with a narrow spatula to a wide one. You need to try to evenly distribute the putty along the edge of the working part of the tool. Then you need to apply the spatula to the wall at an angle of 50 °, stretching the mixture over the surface. You need to start filling from the corner of the room. In order to get even and neat slopes, as well as corners, you need to use an angle spatula. As soon as you have managed to process a surface area of 0.5 m, you need to check the evenness of the base by applying the rule to the wall. After that, applying a little force, you need to run the tool along the wall, which will get rid of the excess amount of filler. The filler algorithm must be repeated until you manage to use up the entire batch. Then you need to prepare a new batch, the mixture from which must be applied next to the previous layer with some overlap. You can stick wallpaper on the walls leveled in this way after two days, when the mixture dries, and the surfaces are checked for evenness. Wallpaper will look good on such surfaces. If you decide to cover all the walls of the room with wallpaper, then each wall needs to be checked for evenness, and then covered with filler.