This is the seventh time that the event will take place in Moscow.All-Russian Archiwood Award. The deadline for submitting applications is April 7. Archiwood is a celebration of fantasy, originality of concepts and freshness of ideas. Since 2010, this All-Russian award in the field of wooden architecture has traditionally been held in the spring. During the selection, the best wooden structures presented at the competition compete for the main prize in their nomination. There are nine of them in total — from art objects to full-fledged public buildings. To submit an application, you must go to the official website of the award. And you need to do this as soon as possible, since there are only a couple of days left until the end of the application period!The works will be considered as professionalthe jury, consisting of famous Russian and foreign experts in the field of architecture, construction and design, and the audience, each of whom will be able to vote for their favorite object. And the winners will traditionally be awarded at the end of May at the Central House of Artists. At the exhibition in Artplay, everyone had the opportunity to take part in an extensive discussion program, which was led by professionals who have been working with wood for a long time, as well as furniture manufacturers and designers.
The curator of the Archiwood award is NikolayMalinin, the general partner was the company Honka - one of the leaders in the segment of wooden construction. The portal is the information partner.
The deadline for applications for the Archiwood award is ending -