A rocking chair is a piece of furniture that is associated withwarmth, peace and pleasant autumn evenings. We invite you to enjoy the beauty of the best models, take a trip into history and learn a number of interesting facts about this piece of furniture. Autumn is the time for heart-to-heart talks by the fireplace, evening get-togethers with your closest people. Why not spend them in a rocking chair? And not necessarily by the fireplace, you can just wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and even in complete solitude get good emotions from gentle rocking. According to psychologists, this type of meditation is pleasant for a person because it is associated with childhood and a mother who lulled and calmed by rocking. Be that as it may, a rocking chair is a universal and stylish piece of furniture that many people like, including designers who design all sorts of interior items. We could not miss the opportunity and not prepare a selection of the best, in our opinion, models. Admire, enjoy, be inspired!
The mystery of origin
Until now the exact place and date of originof this invention are unknown. The name of the first creator of the rocking chair is also covered in the shadow of time. Americans are simply crazy about such furniture and are sure that it is the "handiwork" of Benjamin Franklin. You can often find a wicker model in a country interior. Although some sources refer to the fact that such chairs were often found in North America, among the indigenous peoples of these lands. At the same time, the British are not inferior to the Americans. They claim that the idea of this piece of furniture was taken from a baby cradle. The time of the spread of the rocking chair in Europe and America also coincides - on both continents it remained at the peak of popularity throughout the 18th century.
Sometimes the Swedes try to take credit for it toothe primacy of the invention of the rocking chair. It just so happened that it was very much loved here, which is proven by numerous models from Scandinavian designers. The final point in the dispute was put by the German Michael Thonet, when, having improved the design of the chair, he made its mass production accessible to many. From the middle of the 19th century and up to now, high-quality chairs have been produced under the Thonet brand.
Comrades, there is no accounting for taste...
If earlier rocking chairs were exclusivelywooden, today you can even find models made of metal and plastic. Solid wood, rattan, vine, reed are the most common materials. And what can we say about the design, styles, colors, shapes! Your eyes just run wild. For example, a violin-shaped chair, vintage models in the style of the 60s and 70s, shabby chic models worn by time, the famous "skis" from Charles and Ray Eames.
Where to put - universal choice
This piece of furniture is also good because it fitsfor the interior of any room, be it a nursery (where such a chair is especially relevant) or a living room, even a bedroom or an office. It is often placed on the terrace to admire the beautiful sunsets, giving oneself over completely to the embrace of bliss.
And here there are several nuances.Depending on the room in which the chair will be located, it is worth choosing the type of material from which it will be made. For example, wicker models are more suitable for a balcony or terrace, while cherry or cedar models are more suitable for spacious rooms filled with sunlight. If you need a chair for a fireplace, then classic design chairs made of oak or maple, complemented by a pillow and a blanket, look solid in such an environment.