
Stroblenie walls in the panel house: how to do yourself, photo. video

Over time, any apartment has to be renovated.repair. If it is cosmetic, then such a question as chasing walls with your own hands will hardly interest you. Another matter if a major repair is carried out.Structuring of walls for wiring and pipesWall chasing is performed during capital constructionrepairs and is used to lay wiring and pipes in the walls. When carrying out major repairs in a panel house, new partitions are often made or existing partitions are moved to another place. In this case, it becomes necessary to lay the wiring in a new way or install an additional socket. In this case, you will have to make grooves in the walls, and this is quite difficult to do in a panel house. The peculiarity of the walls in a panel house is that they are concrete, and you will not be able to make grooves without a special tool. This work can be done in several ways.

The first way of strobing

Before you start chasing the wallssocket or new wiring, you first need to make a diagram and then apply it to the walls. To apply the diagram to the wall, you can use a simple pencil. This way you can mark the places where you will install the socket, lamp, switch.Scheme of chasing a concrete wall underElectrical wiring. After markings have been applied to the wall, it is necessary to drill shallow holes at short intervals using a hammer drill. After you have made the holes, the hammer drill must be switched to jackhammer mode and the remaining jumpers must be removed using a spatula-shaped tool. In this case, the hammer drill must be operated at an angle. The depth and width of the groove must ensure convenient and normal wiring. If you purchase a special attachment, you can skip the preliminary holes and cut the grooves right away. Without the skills for such work, it will be difficult for you, especially considering that the panel house has very strong walls. When making horizontal grooves, it is recommended to make them no closer than 20 cm from the ceiling; in order not to damage the old wiring, you can retreat even lower. If there are gas pipes, you can start working no closer than 40 cm from them. To perform the work, you will need the following tools:

  • measuring instruments;
  • pencil;
  • perforator;
  • a bulgarian with a diamond circle;
  • shtroborez.

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The second way of strobing

Scheme of wall chasing and filling with mortar.In this case, you first need to make markings, after which you can proceed to the main set of works. You will need a grinder with a diamond wheel, with its help, make shallow parallel grooves along the markings, the distance between which is 2-3 cm. After that, take a hammer drill with a special attachment and work with it in the jackhammer mode, remove the jumper between the grooves made. Instead of a grinder, you can use a wall chaser: it is similar to it, only it has two disks, the distance between which can be adjusted. When the grooves are ready, lay the cable in them and fix it with plaster. This work creates a lot of noise and dust, and it is also dangerous. It is necessary to work with the use of personal protective equipment: glasses, gloves, a respirator. To reduce dust formation, you can work in pairs: one will make the grooves, and the second will use a spray gun to wet the place of work. This will complicate the work a little, but will reduce dust formation. If there is modern equipment that is connected to an industrial vacuum cleaner, then the amount of dust is significantly reduced. But this is not always possible, since the cost of such equipment is high. When chasing load-bearing walls, the question arises: is it possible to do this? This procedure reduces the strength of the structure, so by law, chasing load-bearing walls is prohibited. In this case, the layer of the slab that protects the reinforcement from corrosion is damaged, the load-bearing capacity of the wall is reduced. Therefore, such work must be coordinated with the relevant services. If you still decide to chasing load-bearing walls, then you cannot make the grooves too wide and deep. It is recommended to make a detailed diagram of the new wiring and save it. This will make it easier for you to hang a picture, TV or do other work later without fear of damaging the wiring.</ ul>

