Organization of space

How to visually enlarge a room: design tips for the living room


Not enough space in the living room?Feeling overwhelmed by lack of space? Then our tips will tell you how to visually expand the living room Everyone wants to have a huge chic house with large rooms, but not everyone has this opportunity. Perhaps the most visited place in the house is the living room. This is where most people spend a huge amount of time, so it is important that it is spacious. And many ask the question: "How to visually enlarge the room?" Let's look at how to achieve this, even if there are not very many square meters. 1. Correct color scheme Designers often repeat that dark colors in decoration visually reduce the room, while light ones, on the contrary, increase. Be sure to follow this advice - and you will not go wrong. Make the ceiling and walls light, you can choose white. So the boundaries in your room will seem to disappear, and it will become airy and light. Another winning trick is to use cool pastel shades of blue and green, which visually distract objects in space. 2.Multifunctional furniture + transformers A small living room is very demanding on the selection of furniture. To relieve space, pay attention to multifunctional models. If you are an adherent of something new and interesting, use transformable furniture to save both real and visual space. For example, a small-looking coffee table may well become a full-fledged dining table, and a stand for magazines and books - a bench. 3.Good Lighting The stereotype that one bright light source is enough for a small room is wrong. Designers believe that it is imperative to organize at least 3 types of lighting: general, local and decorative. Light from floor lamps, table lamps, sconces and multi-level illumination of various zones will visually increase the space, and the room will sparkle with new colors. 4.Mirror and Reflective Surfaces An effective way to visually enlarge the living room is to use mirror and reflective glossy surfaces in the interior. In addition, mirrors diffuse light, which is also a good solution for small rooms. Don't be limited to conventional wall mirrors. An interesting solution can be a screen with mirror inserts or a glass coffee table that does not take up much space. 5. Furniture with simple lines Simple lines will look good in a small living room, as well as ottomans, coasters and other low furniture. 6.Exact proportions Placing bulky items in a small room will create an imbalance in the space. Instead of a large sofa, it is better to purchase a medium one, and to it - a couple of compact armchairs. 7. Minimalism Many people make purchases on impulse. However, you need to acquire only those things that you really can't do without. So, in the living room it is better to keep only photographs and significant objects dear to the heart. Everything else will only clutter up an already small space. 8. Vertical lines Not only in the living room, but also in any small room to visually increase the space, it is necessary to place objects that will make the gaze stretch upward (which will create the illusion of a high ceiling). These can be narrow mirrors for their entire height, curtains to the very ceiling with fastening in a hidden niche, high floor lamps.,,,

