In the Gallery of Design and Interior Neuhaus (Moscow, M.Kaluzhskiy per., 2, building 4) the grand opening of the exhibition of equipment for professional equipment of the SPA zone – SPA&Wellness took place. The uniqueness of this exhibition is that for the first time it combined two spaces: the recreation zone (bedrooms) and the relaxation zone (SPA). And some new technologies could be tried right there on the operating equipment.Klafs factory representative Viktor Schmidt spoke about the new products at the exhibition and presented the “Golden Partner” diploma to Uwe Meyer, head of the SPA&Wellness department at the Neuhaus Gallery.
He gave an original performanceAustrian designer, artist and researcher of human perception Andreas Rodler, who works under the pseudonym sha. He delved into the topic of Holistic Design, that is, an integrated approach to design, when human feelings are inseparable from meaning and functionality and serve as the basis for creating a new project, installation or art object.
Co-owner of the famous design bureau SiegerDesign Christian Sieger revealed the secret behind the creation of the new product from Dornbracht – the Sensory Sky shower panel, and talked about how the product changed depending on design trends. And then he personally gave a tour of the SPA area, where he showed the public this shower panel and even suggested that they try it out. No one dared.
With the help of Sensory Sky, Dornbrachtturns the process of taking a shower into a real emotional experience. The panel is equipped with various modes: rain effect, fog, light and aromatherapy. The Sensory Sky system combines technological complexity and minimalist design. And its control is so simple and convenient that even children and pensioners can handle it.
SPA&Wellness for your home: opening of the exposition in Moscow