House and Cottage

Stable for a Collector: Vintage and Eclecticism in a Designer's House


In this house there are no boring rooms, after all its mistressnot only designer and enthusiastic collector, but also a great lover of experiments and bright solutions. The reasons for finding new, more spacious housing are different: someone has improved financial opportunities, someone is growing a family, but the designer Henriette von Stockhausen (Henriette von Stockhausen) has grown a collection of antiques. The designer's family is also rather big:husband, 3 children and 2 dogs required no less space than rare furniture. And no matter how much the cottage of the 18th century (their first common dwelling) was loved, they had to look for a more spacious replacement for it. The ideal option was an old stable built in 1730, which the designer discovered in the English town of Dorset. The building has already been converted into a residential building, but has not been used by anyone for a long time. Therefore, the only thing that Henriette noted for herself was the huge windows and high ceilings. However, this was enough for the decision to move here. In the new dwelling of the designer - as many as 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Henriette von Stockhausen tried to keepthe maximum of historical elements of this house, however, the temptation to create a modern background for its huge collection was too great, and most of the walls were still painted in a deep gray shade. The walls of the hallway, the only room with a tiny window, were “dressed” in a deep blue hue. To the designer, this choice does not seem strange: the smaller and darker the room, the more interesting it should be, and the hallway is simply obliged to energize. The concrete floor in the kitchen is another strangea solution that the hostess explains with love for living textures, which, in her opinion, can only be found on the surface of polished concrete. However, the decision justified itself: the kitchen looks stylish, modern, cozy and as if out of time. The hostess claims that the whole thing is in the technology hidden from the eyes. From her point of view, household appliances - it's a killer of home comfort, and it's better to hide it. As for the enchanting living room, itsthe design is obliged not only to the ability of the hostess to combine the old and the new, but also the selectivity of her clients. Spectacular Verdure wallpaper from Zoffany were rejected by several customers and found the meaning of existence only in the designer's living room. Our opinion Corridors are the part of the interiorwhich can tolerate almost anything. There is no need to worry about overly dark, bright or risky decisions. The walls can be painted in a contrasting shade to the rest of the interior, pasted over with wallpaper that you liked very much, but do not at all fit into the decor of other rooms, or you can arrange a whole gallery from the family archive. And over time, you will be amazed to discover that those decisions that previously seemed risky are already perceived as quite acceptable, and the corridor can be decorated more effectively.

