How to properly store shoes so that they always look goodwere at hand, but were hidden from view and did not take up much space? Today we have prepared 10 valuable recommendations and 30 illustrative examples for you. Storing shoes will not be a big problem for you if you organize the place for them correctly. But this is only one part of the solution. It is important not only to remove them from under your feet or hide them away, the main thing is to quickly find them later. Ideally, when you have a dressing room. But what if you don’t? When there is not enough space in the closet, you have to come up with alternative options. Furniture manufacturers offer various accessories, shelves, hangers and bedside tables. So there is plenty to choose from. Although there are other, simpler and more interesting ideas for storing shoes. We have prepared 10 different options for you that will help you quickly solve this problem.
1. Two in one
Use folding shoe racks to store your shoes.benches or poufs. There are mobile, light, comfortable and roomy models on sale. This way you provide additional space for sitting and storing shoes.
2. Creative approach
Set yourself a creative challenge.Make a convenient shoe rack yourself. You will need large diameter PVC pipes. Stack them in a pile and secure them so they do not fall apart. Convenient, saves space, and your shoes are always in order!
3. Hook on the heels
There are many simple ways to storeshoes, using improvised means. One of them is a ladder. You can simply hook your heels onto it. Ordinary moldings, which are used to decorate walls, are also suitable for this role. This is an excellent support for high-heeled shoes and saves space.
4. Change of season
The key to order is proper organizationspace. When another season ends, the question arises: how to store shoes and where to hide them. If the number of square meters is limited, use the space under the bed or on the mezzanine. In this case, buy organizers in the store in the form of plastic or fabric suitcases.
5. Store shoes in boxes, like Evelina Khromchenko
Boxes are a great, tried and true method.shoe storage. Even fashion expert Evelina Khromchenko keeps her most expensive shoes in boxes. She believes that this is the easiest way to keep shoes in good condition. She spoke about this in an interview for Forbes magazine. For convenience, you can hang tags on the boxes with a note of the color or a photo of the shoes. And it is better if you choose transparent boxes. Then you will easily find the right pair.
6. Art exhibition on the rack
If you lay out in a regular open shelving unitbasic outfits for the season, guided by the United Color principle, then it will be very convenient for you to choose the next image. And so you will solve the problem with storing shoes, and dilute the interior with colors. Before putting them on the shelf, you will need to tidy up the shoes if you wore them outside (clean and wipe off dirt). Put baskets on open shelves, these are additional storage spaces. True, the shoes will be in bulk in them. But there will be good ventilation.
7. On the wall or on the crossbar
Plastic or fabric organizers can be mounted on the wall or on a crossbar. This idea is easy to implement for those who sew themselves. In extreme cases, they can be made to order.
8. Pull-out storage systems and stands
A more convenient option is when the drawers, shelves and modules are pull-out. There are quite capacious shoe racks. For example, some can store 16 pairs at a time.
9. Like in a fashion boutique - shoe racks
Use special racks and hangers forshoes. These can often be seen in shoe stores. This is a compact and original way to store shoes. Yes, yes, an unconventional solution, but very suitable.
10. Space under the stairs
If you have a staircase, there are several ideas for storing shoes: steps and a place directly under the stairs. And you no longer need to think about where to store shoes additionally.,,,