How to make the city brighter and more beautiful, and peoplehappier? Street artists know the answer to this question. For them, gray concrete is nothing more than one huge canvas on which they create clever works of street art. Surely you have noticed interesting bright paintings on the city streets, created directly on the walls of houses, fences, on the asphalt. You can’t just pass by them: they evoke emotions, a smile, interest, make you think. What kind of art is this and how does it fit into the surrounding space? How did such a cultural movement arise in the metropolis? What feelings does it evoke and is there a future for it? We decided to figure this out today.
What is street art
The word street art is translated fromEnglish as "street art". This type of fine art originated in the USA in the middle of the last century. At that time it looked different: with the help of strange letter-symbols, which were applied to the surface with spray paints, American guys "captured" street territories. And who would have thought that this kind of hooliganism would grow into modern art! Graffiti images are present in different cultures, and they appeared in the history of mankind a long time ago. Such "art" could be seen on the columns of ancient Russian temples or on ancient Roman ships. But at that time there were no aerosol cans, with the help of which modern artists create amazing pictures right on the street.
What is the difference from graffiti
The purpose of graffiti is to mark territory.This is part of hip-hop culture. But only the initiated can understand the symbols-messages, for ordinary people they are incomprehensible. The goal of street art is to involve passers-by "in a dialogue", to show an interesting story, and not to "appropriate" the territory.
Rebellious spirit
Street art before the 70-80scentury was used for social propaganda, as a means of agitation, to attract attention. Rebellious spirit, freedom are part of this type of art. Therefore, for a long time such "arts" were banned. Street art became commercially popular only in the early 2000s, largely due to the Internet and mass media. Now many artists-writers leave their unique signs-logos for advertising purposes.
Amazing transformation
Street art is not constrained by censorship or any other restrictionsframes. It is developing very rapidly. And now in many cities it is used to attract tourists, and not to reflect social phenomena. Isn't it interesting to visit such a city and see with your own eyes the street "canvas" that you have seen many times on the Internet or on TV?
Interaction with the environment
Street art works are differentoriginality and smart ideas. They are never boring, this is the key to the success of street art. Of particular interest are paintings that interact with the surrounding space. They lift the mood and delight. Our opinion: - Artists have a special way of thinking. For an ordinary person, a part of a wall is nothing special, but such creative people are able to make the surrounding trees and objects become a continuation of the image on the street "canvas".
Street art in Russia
This art form appeared in Russia in the middle80s. At first, the walls of Moscow and St. Petersburg houses were filled with inscriptions. The experience of Western colleagues was adopted. They were imitated, since there was no experience of their own. But now you can see high-quality original works of writers not only on the walls of houses, but also on sewer hatches, electrical panels, information signs. Our opinion: - Now this is a fashionable street trend, and many street art artists have become "advanced" designers. We can see original decor with color contrasts, advertising signs on the streets. People are always interested in observing something unusual.