It's October outside, but I don't want to let go.summer. Thematic decor will help to revive the memories of summer vacation and sea adventures. Turn the shells brought from vacation into a decorative pendant with the help of our master class If you spent your summer vacation on the seashore, then you probably brought home souvenirs in the form of shells. It is equally likely that upon arrival you could not find a use for them and sent these beautiful, but useless, as you think, things to a box gathering dust in the back of the closet. It's high time to get them out of there and turn them into a charming decorative pendant that will not only decorate the interior, but also revive pleasant memories of the summer.
You will need:
- wooden stick (it is best to use a piece of a tree branch);
- leg-split;
- glue gun (or conventional tube with glue);
- scissors;
- seashells.
First, cut the twine into pieces.the recommended length. In our case, it is seven centimeters, but you can adjust the distance between the shells depending on their size and total number. Glue the end of the piece of twine to the inside of the shell. Then the next piece and the next shell. Repeat these steps until your shell chain reaches the length you need.
This method using glue will save youfrom having to make holes in fragile shells. Once the shell chains are ready, tie them to the stick with the free ends of the twine. How many chains you need and how long they should be is up to you. The more shells and patience you have, the more impressive your pendant will look.
The final touch: Use a piece of twine to make a handle.
Charming decorative pendant in a nautical themestyle is ready. Hang it in a place where air movement is most often observed: on a balcony or next to a window. A light breath of wind will stir the shell chains, and you will hear a pleasant, barely perceptible sound, reminiscent of the rustle of waves.