Installation of fabric ceilings is very popular today.They choose this finish for its durability and aesthetic characteristics. If we compare polyester fabric and film, the first option is 20 times stronger than the latter. This indicates that after installation, you can not be afraid of accidental damage, which is important for children's rooms or houses where there are simply children who can launch, for example, darts. Even if you make special efforts, it is not so easy to rip the fabric of the described ceilings.Tools for installing stretch ceilings.Among the additional advantages of the finish, one can highlight air permeability. This is due to the fact that fabric ceilings consist of tiny pores that do not interfere with the circulation of air masses in the room, creating a good atmosphere. Fabric stretch ceilings do not have visible seams, and they are produced in the form of rolls with a web width of 5.1 m, while film ceilings have a width not exceeding 3.5 m. The mentioned characteristic of the fabric coating allows you to cover large ceilings, which indicates the absence of weak points in the finishing.
Ceiling preparation technology for fabric installation
When installing a fabric ceiling, it is not necessaryuse heating equipment that is used when installing PVC film. Before starting work, there will be no need to remove items from the room that are sensitive to such conditions. This allows you to reduce the time of installation work. When installing ceilings with your own hands, you will not encounter the problem of inaccurate dimensions, since such parameters are not fundamental, this will not lead to a breakdown in the timing of the work.Scheme of noise-absorbing fabric ceiling.The sheets should be fixed in a special baguette, and then stretched. The ease of installation of fabric ceilings has gained popularity among professional craftsmen and amateurs. The systems are completely environmentally friendly, which is why they can be installed in any room, even a child's room. In addition, they are installed in country houses that are heated only when the owners arrive on the site. This became possible due to the fact that the system is completely resistant to frost and temperature changes. The main disadvantage of the described sheets is the cost, which significantly exceeds the price of PVC film. Thus, 1 m2 of fabric from a European manufacturer has an approximate cost of 600 rubles. Such a high price is due to the quality and the fact that the ceilings are produced only by foreign factories. Fabric ceilings are installed or glued only after the surface is leveled and sanded.
Installation diagram of a suspended ceiling.First, you need to thoroughly clean the ceiling from dirt, and then get rid of the cracks with putty, which must be left until it dries. The ceiling must be checked for stains that can show through the fabric, spoiling the coating, which will not be possible to wash or partially change. If stains are found, they must be sealed with aluminum foil; as an alternative solution, you can use the method of applying a layer of nitro enamel. Stretch ceilings will be hopelessly spoiled if oil paint shows through to the fabric. If traces of it are found on the surface, the base must be washed with a soda solution and left to dry. Then the area must be treated with sandpaper. Return to the table of contents</a>
Method of installation of fabric ceiling on profile and baguette
Stretch ceilings can be mounted onceiling profile, which can be aluminum, it is considered more durable and long-lasting. In the middle of this element, it is necessary to strengthen the fabric, leaving a reserve of 5-6 cm. The fabric needs to be pulled up with a small step, trying to align it as best as possible. You need to start from the middle of the room, moving towards the corners. The profile is installed to the ceiling using mechanical fasteners. Installation of stretch ceilings can be carried out to a baguette frame, which has a profile with movable and fixed parts. The fabric should be tucked between the baguette cams, at the fixation point it should be folded in half.Types of stretch ceilings.When the fabric is stretched, the fold will put pressure on the cam antenna, and it will be pressed even more tightly against the profile. If it is decided to install stretch ceilings using this system, then you need to check whether the area to be finished does not exceed 20 m2, otherwise the material may sag. If you plan to install a fairly impressive piece of fabric, then a ceiling chandelier installed on a flat console will be of great help. The work can also be done using wedge fastening. This method provides a more rigid fixation, which allows you to fix an impressive fabric. The main condition for this is to stretch the material well. To install the fabric, it should be inserted into the baguette groove and wedged with a glazing bead. The fastening system should be covered with a plinth, for which the baguette has a special seat. A wooden block with a cross-section of 40x40 mm can serve as a baguette. For installation around the perimeter, you need to arrange the frame yourself, fixing it with screws. In this case, the material should be applied to the glue-treated bar, and staples should be used as additional mechanical fastening of the fabric. Installation of fabric stretch ceilings using a baguette can be done by attaching the last element to the ceiling or to the wall. Return to contents</a>
Features of preparation
In order to install fabric ceilings yourself, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:
- spatula;
- nitro-enamel;
- putty;
- glue;
- choclain;
- dowels;
- screws;
- ribbon suspension.
In order for the system to be fastened,That's right, you need to mark the points in all corners that are connected with a chokline and beaten off to get an even marking. The baguette is fixed along the bottom edge, using dowels and screws for this. In order to strengthen the profiles, you can also use impact dowels, but before installing them, you need to check how strong the wall is. The fact is that the screw in such a dowel is very thin, and its walls are moved apart only a little. If there is crumbling plaster in the wall body and the fastener goes in freely, in this case the baguette will not hold tightly. In order to ensure high-quality fastening, you should use plastic dowels Ø6 mm in tandem with screws with a thickness of 5 mm. If the wall is not able to hold the fastener, fixing work can be done in the ceiling area. When installing fabric systems, built-in spotlights for lighting are not used, chandeliers are used instead. The hook should be abandoned during installation. The fixing console can be made from a blank of solid plywood or OSB, which should be strengthened with a steel tape suspension. After installation, the material will be pressed with a bar to the wooden surface of the fastening. The fabric should be stretched crosswise. It is necessary to step back 20 cm from the corner and strengthen a section, the length of which is equal to 30 cm, then, having stretched the material, it is necessary to do the described work from the other end. It is unacceptable to overtighten the fabric or use a sharp spatula, as this can contribute to the tearing of the material. Then you can move to the opposite edge to perform similar actions, while you need to analyze the evenness of the tension. As soon as the material can be stretched along the long sides, you can proceed to the short parts. Tuck the corners last, the master should get a surface free of wrinkles. Finally, you need to get rid of the remains of the canvas with a construction knife.</ ul>