Austrian designer Florian Pacher (FlorianPucher) offers an unexpected solution: without leaving home, go on an air trip on a comfortable carpet. How is this possible? Let's see It's very simple! The designer creates amazing carpets from natural New Zealand wool. Their appearance resembles landscapes that can be observed from a bird's eye view. The architect got this interesting idea thanks to his passion for traveling, especially the views from the airplane window. Remember what an incredible sight opens up: the earth looks like a patchwork quilt consisting of forests, fields, deserts, rivers and lakes.
This is how a series of unusual and colorful ones appeared.Land Carpet. They look very realistic. In addition to the pattern and color, Florian Pucher creates the texture and height of different areas as close to reality as possible. For example, if lakes and rivers are below the water level, then this will look the same on the carpet. Or when a field of ripening corn is higher than an already harvested area, this is exactly how it will look on the finished product.
Thanks to air travel, the designercreated geometric fields of Holland, Africa, America, Italy and Hong Kong. The clear lines of the paths, the green and ochre shades look amazingly natural, creating the impression that you are actually on board an airplane on a pleasant journey.
Unusual floor decor: a journey on a comfortable carpet