Wines from the new harvest will soon appear on the shelves.Haven't figured out where to place it in your interior yet? Then our ideas on how to store it will help you figure it out Wine has always been considered a noble drink. It has accompanied humanity for a long time, and even clergymen allow the consumption of wine. In different eras, people have come up with many ways to store this drink. We will look at the best way to arrange a wine storage in a modern home.
1. Island
If you have an island in your kitchen, it canbecome a great place to store bottles of wine. This arrangement is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also preferable for very quick access to the drink.
2. Niches
Having provided for the creation of niches during the renovation,you will be able to place your wine stocks right there. No matter what shape they are, round or square, with a skillful and creative approach you can easily keep your wine safe and sound.
3. In the kitchen set
An economical and quite common solution,but no less attractive. If you don't care about showing off your favorite collection to your guests and you're just looking for a place to store wine, then this option is for you.
4. Honeycombs
It may not be a very convenient, but it is an elegant solution.can be to place wine in the space above the hanging cabinets under the ceiling. This will not only save space, but also add a twist to the decor if the storage is made in the form of a honeycomb.
5. Above the refrigerator
Why not make the most of everything?available space?! Very often the space between the refrigerator and the ceiling is empty, and you can take and organize wine storage there. It may not be very convenient to reach, but at least you will not affect the useful kitchen area.
6. Wine racks
An original solution could be a redesignregular wine racks. Place the interior slats diagonally or in triangles and you'll have a great, inexpensive way to display wine.
7. Hanging racks
New design solutions propose to move away fromclassic ideas about storing wine bottles and add a little imagination to this issue. Thus, the fastening can be metal rods built into the wall, forged products made with both classic and futuristic accents and other delights of fashionable minds.
8. Space under the stairs
For those lucky enough to have houses with stairs, one of theoptions for placing a wine storage can be a place under the stairs. Moreover, this rack can be used as a full-fledged partition when going down to the basement.
9. Tabletop wine racks
This is perhaps one of the most interesting andavailable options, since to implement it you only need to buy or build a wine rack. Today, stores offer a wide range of creative designer devices that can not only decorate the kitchen, but also truly surprise your guests., Michael J Lee, Peter Rymwid, Aimée Herring, Bradd Celidonia, Jeri Koegel