A one-room apartment isthe most popular and democratic type of housing, especially for young people. But what to do when a baby appears in the family? How to bring to life a cozy atmosphere for everyone? Today we will tell you about apartments located in IP-46S buildings. Such buildings are often located in many areas of our capital, especially in Yuzhnoye Butovo, Mitino and Fili. In housing of this format, the total footage is about 43 sq. m., living space - 20 sq. m., and the kitchen area - 9 sq. m. Designer Tatyana Kostryukova explained how to design the layout of an IP-46S apartment.Master, decorator of interior decoration.Tanya graduated from the International School of Design. She also has a qualification in construction. She has been working in the design industry for over two years. She is interested in design work and the implementation of unusual and original interiors. Currently, she is working on a conceptual idea for the decoration of a modest living space.
Original layout
The author already had experience with this type of layout.activities. Her friends have been living in the same apartments for a long time. They are also young people. Their sofa is in the shape of a corner, but it also functions as a sleeping bed. At one point, I heard their wishes - to have a real double bed in the house. There is also a possibility of having a baby in the coming years. From that moment, the decorator began to think through possible options for functional and practical design.
The project that the master proposed
Initially, it is necessary to combine the toilet andbathroom. As a result, the freed corner of the corridor at the end can be equipped as a storage room. The second stage will be the placement of a wardrobe near the hallway, which is extremely functional. For example, you can transform the area of the apartment like this: Жилое пространство можно зонировать на две области – гостевой холл и спальню. В то время пока ребенок грудной, его кровать может разместиться около ложа родителей, чтобы и маме и ребеночку было удобно (на плане люлька располагается в том же месте, где пуфик). В будущем комнату можно будет спланировать по-другому, оборудовав детскую игровую.