
10 Most Common Construction Defects in Multi-Story Buildings and How to Live with Them –

Every time I move into a new building or buy a new oneapartment, have to face difficulties associated with defects of the existing building. How not to be sad about such injustice, and will be discussed further Errors in construction, excesses of redevelopment and other factors significantly affect the external condition of the premises and the house as a whole. Especially often such problems are faced by owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings, who have to somehow live with all this. There are two ways out: either to accept and try not to notice the defects, or to eliminate them! And the most , which will ensure the reliability and durability of the changes, coupled with a comfortable existence for the inhabitants.Defect 1.Poor sound and heat insulation The most common defect found in apartment buildings. Thin walls and poorly designed heating systems mean that the house is simply uncomfortable to live in, not to mention the cold that pierces from head to toe in winter. And some residents of high-rise buildings complain that at night they can hear their neighbors singing karaoke in a whisper four floors away. Why live with this? It is necessary to quickly deal with the issues of sound insulation and heat transfer. Insulation panels, cork, plasterboard - all this will slightly reduce the total area of ​​the room, but will provide a lot of useful functions. Among them are protection from neighboring noise, and the ability to listen, and even heat retention. By adding new batteries or replacing them with more advanced ones, you can achieve the ideal climate of your personal space.Defect 2.Shrinkage cracks Another problem with multi-story buildings are cracks that begin to appear over time in the most inappropriate places. You can decoratively cover them with plants, wires, paintings or a carpet, but this will not change the situation dramatically. And until the crack has become so huge that you can see the panorama of the evening city through it (which usually leads to complaints about the developer or the municipality and, as a result, to major repairs or demolition of the house), you can use apartment insulation techniques. Our opinion: - If the apartment is located in a new building and you have already noticed small cracks, we strongly advise against painting the walls. It is better to choose wallpaper or wall panels. Otherwise, the number of cracks may increase within a couple of years, and they will all appear on your beautiful painted walls. And if you choose wallpaper, it is possible that the cracks will not affect them. Another option is to use filling cement, plaster and paint the walls. Or use large insulating panels. But this should only be done if the crack does not progress in size. Otherwise, you need to urgently contact experts. Lyudmila Rososhik, Parralab: - Usually, the occurrence of defects is due to the fact that the house subsides when it begins to be actively populated. An incorrectly calculated foundation, an incorrectly chosen number of floors or errors in the planning of structures lead to the fact that the house subsides and cracks appear. There is always a risk of buying such real estate, and then you need to somehow eliminate all the problems. One of the measures is to strengthen the walls or partitions with materials such as fiber. It is glued and thereby increases the strength characteristics of the supporting structures.Defect 3.Bad windows Windows that are too thin or installed incorrectly lead to drafts, dampness and cold. Plastic windows, unlike wooden ones, are so airtight that condensation accumulates and the glass fogs up. Anything can be found on such window sills, including mold caused by humidity, lack of air circulation or poor ventilation. What to do in such cases? Use anti-mold products that can be found in the store or ordered online, or find components suitable for removing them at home - vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, bleach. And continue to live with it, wiping off the mold that appears again and again. But you can do it much easier - spend a little effort and money, but replace them with the most modern ones. For example, wooden three-chamber, aluminum or.Defect 4.Water problems Very often you have to deal with plumbing problems. No hot water, poor pressure, pipes can be rusty and dilapidated. If there is no discomfort when pipes leak or when washing in completely cold water - of course, you can leave everything as is. But what if now is such a time that you can replace absolutely everything? Even without calling a special team, you can replace a pipe, faucet, pump or riser. Although in the latter case, it is still worth calling a utility worker and warning your neighbors that the water supply will be cut off for several hours.Defect 5.Problem with floors Illiterate design can sometimes lead to such complications as an uneven floor or a threshold that is too high. In this case, the feeling of free flight will invariably accompany everyone entering the room, because the difference between the levels is really big. You have to literally dive into the apartment. And the greater the angle of the floor, the more things will roll down to one side. There is a way out of this situation. You can make an additional step or paint a brightly colored inscription "Caution" on the floor. And if you go for really drastic measures, then you should backfill and pour the floor to the desired level, or as much as possible. Because after such a high threshold, the overall level of the floors in the apartment is reduced to a single value, so there are two options: either change everything, or look for another solution. In addition, if the difference is huge, then you should consult with the management company on the issue of pouring and screeding.Defect 6.The only door When there is only one door between the apartment and the entrance, it is sad. For reasons related to warmth, safety and sound insulation, coupled with the removal of odors, a second door is installed in the opening. Preferably an iron one, although the functions of protection against burglary are usually assigned to the outer one. It is considered the entrance, the street door, and the second one is more personal, serving more to decorate the interior when viewed from inside the apartment.Defect 7.Too Few Sockets In the modern world, which depends on electricity, you can’t go anywhere without wires. A telephone, computer, refrigerator, TV, table lamp and kettle — a huge number of household appliances require an equally huge number of sockets, which are usually installed in homes in a minimal layout. The easiest thing to do is to buy several extension cords and live peacefully, eventually ceasing to notice the wires dangling everywhere. But this will not bring any aesthetic pleasure. Why leave everything like this, if you can at least hide them in a nice box or behind a fence. At most, in one day an experienced electrician will be able to do such wiring around your apartment that the number of sockets will be enough not only for you, but also for a dozen guests with smartphones and tablets.Defect 8.Crooked Ceiling Having moved into a new apartment, the happy owners of the living space suddenly noticed that the ceiling looks uneven or has seams that spoil the whole perception! Of course, it seems like such a trifle, but over time the feeling of annoyance will become stronger and stronger. There are many ways to avoid bringing yourself to such a disappointing state: wallpaper, false beams, tiles, panels or a suspended ceiling. Sometimes they do special alignment, and recently the most popular has become a stretch ceiling made of special materials, protecting, among other things, from a sudden pipe break of the neighbors above. Our opinion: - In the opinion of the editors, the most convenient way to deal with an uneven ceiling is a stretch ceiling. They are now beautiful, matte, they are made neatly, and in general they are difficult to distinguish from a well-painted ceiling.Defect 9.We mentioned the ceiling, let's also remember the walls And indeed, if we've already reached the ceiling, then how can we not mention the walls. The defect found in them is absolutely identical to the previous point - curvature of the surface, non-observance of proportions and sizes, tolerance of several centimeters in both directions, uneven joints. You can live with this, but you can also make a few changes: add a layer of plasterboard, level it with plaster or stick wallpaper on top. Or use the countless ideas for wall decor that our publication has.Defect 10.Not a defect, but an unfinished work When building houses, glazing of the balcony is usually not provided, since this requires additional materials, time and effort. And residents moving into a new house immediately put some boxes, bicycles, strollers and other things that get in the way of the main part of the apartment on the balcony. And so everything is stored there - from winter to summer, from summer to winter. If you invest in a balcony, it will cease to be an addition to the living space, but will become a full-fledged element of the layout, along with a bathroom, kitchen and hallway. It can be turned into a winter garden, a warm room, a storage room, a work space, a recreation area, and if the size is really large - an entire room. Interesting ideas for arranging a balcony can be found here.

