By an ideal home, many people mean a large one,a two- or three-story mansion that you can ride a bike through. However, there are people who are willing to live in spaces that are too narrow even for regular soft chairs. Don't believe it? We didn't believe it either
When we talk about irregular spacesforms and ways of working with them, we usually mean some forced circumstances concerning individual premises. Therefore, it is difficult for us to imagine that someone in their right mind is capable of spending money, sometimes considerable money, on extremely, simply impossibly disproportionate housing. However, it happens and, oddly enough, quite often. We found six very narrow houses in which it is also possible to live.
Rooftecture S in 2005 in Kobe, Japanbuilt by Shuhei Endo. This house is located on a cliff and separated from the sea by a highway. At its widest point, the two-story building reaches up to four meters, at its narrowest – up to one and a half.
In 2011, in Warsaw, the creative architects fromCentrala Studios built the narrowest house in the world and named it after the writer and director Etgar Keret Keret House. Its width, depending on the rooms, varies between 90 and 150 centimeters.
This glass house by Fujiwaramuro Architects,Located in Osaka, Japan, this is one of the few "narrow" houses that are not at all spoiled by their dimensions. The area of the three-story house does not exceed 70 square meters, the width is less than 4 meters, but thanks to the high ceilings, continuous glazing and thoughtful interior, the house looks very stylish.
We have seen houses made from port containers, andquite often these were entire mansions or, on the contrary, cute little trailer houses. But for someone to build a structure of four containers in the middle of the city between residential buildings, illuminate it with fluorescent lamps and provide a comfortable life for a young couple... We are seeing this for the first time. The only question we have for the authors of the project, the Sculp studio, is why did they put a bed next to the toilet?
Another Tokyo building calledLucky Drops is hard to describe. Designer Yasuhiro Yamashita created a dome-like structure with walls that meet at the very top. Moreover, due to the trapezoid shape, the back of the house is almost half the size of the front.