What kitchen gadgets can you dream of?man? Today we will show you ten unusual kitchen gadgets that will make any man happy to stand at the stove! It is believed that men are the best cooks. We wanted to make sure of this and realized that it is all about kitchen gadgets. As it turns out, they can not only make the cooking process much easier, but also instill confidence in the cook and even lift his spirits. Admire ten amazing things that any representative of the stronger half of humanity will want to have in his kitchen.There is a breadwinner inside every man.Sometimes he wakes up and heads straight to the kitchen to satisfy his hunger. That's why we included this gadget in our price list of the most desirable kitchen accessories for men. A universal "cave stone": with its help you can do almost everything with food. It can act as a knife, a grater, a rolling pin... Its capabilities are limited only by your imagination.
There is no such representative of the stronger sex,who would not dream of being knighted, or at least sitting at the legendary round table or, at worst, just holding a sword. We offer you a unique symbiosis of a sword and a round table - a "knight's frying pan". With its help, any man can cook you the most delicious dishes, while feeling if not Richard the Lionheart, then at least Don Quixote.
Every man, if he is not convincedpacifist, dreams of shooting a cannon. And now there is such an opportunity. True, the cannon will not be real, but for making popcorn. However, you will get gastronomic pleasure from using this type of weapon.
Attention all fans of X-Men and otherssuperhero movies! Want to have one of the movie characters cook your dinner for you? Now you can! With these special claw knives, the cooking process will be faster and the cook will be happier.
Any man can measure by eye 1/3 or1/4 teaspoon of something. Now, however, you no longer have to rely on your own instincts. This authentic wooden set includes several very handy measuring spoons and many other useful wooden utensils.
Brewing tea will be much more interesting if your assistant is a little man in a bathyscaphe with tea leaves. Plus, it looks very impressive.
All men love to do something with their own hands.Even soda. Fortunately, now there is such an opportunity - here is a technological siphon for creating water with gas. Such a thing will be useful to any connoisseur of such gadgets.
Men cry too.That is why such an onion cutter is simply an indispensable thing in any kitchen where a man might go. In addition, it is very functional: with its help, you will need much less time to prepare onions.
A man, unlike beautiful ladies, does notspends time memorizing various recipes. Therefore, every man who knows how to cook simply must have such a minimalist wooden stand for an iPod in the kitchen.
Representatives of the strong half of humanitybecome so happy while cooking that they completely forget about such a category as time. Well, who can tell the time more accurately and elegantly than the beloved robot R2-D2 from the popular star saga!
10 Kitchen Gadgets Every Man Dreams Of – etk-fashion.com