Each of us, opening our wardrobe,caught myself thinking: “I have nothing to wear again!” But let’s think: maybe the reason is not the small amount of clothes, but the fact that the thing you really need has simply gotten lost in the chaos? We will tell you how to properly store clothes and accessories. We promise that after reading our article, your closet will have more free space. A wardrobe is a real wonderland. A school uniform and a wedding dress can surprisingly coexist here. Putting and maintaining order in a closet is a difficult task, but it can be solved. Our recommendations will help you achieve the desired harmony, and will also save your time, nerves and money. 1. First, take out absolutely everything that is in the closet. Let there be only empty shelves and hangers in front of you.2.Start filling your closet with clothes, but before you hang up each item, ask yourself a few important questions. For example: “Will I wear this shirt in the next few months?”, “If I saw these jeans in the store now, would I buy them?”, “I really love this sweater, but its condition is already leaving much to be desired. Maybe it doesn’t belong in the closet anymore?”
3. Think again about whether you will wear all these clothes. Items in good condition can be donated to charities.
4. If the condition of your things leaves much to be desired, just throw them away. It is a well-known truth that in order for the new to come, you need to get rid of the old.
5.Hang your clothes in the closet very neatly and do it in such a way that you can see everything in the closet at a glance. Our opinion: - If you have one closet for everything, then just put the ones you wear in another season in containers and put them on the very top or bottom shelves so that they don’t get in the way.
6. Use the same hangers for all your things, it's very beautiful. After that, you will double your neatness and love order even more.
7. Use the reverse hanger strategy.To do this, hang all your clothes on hangers so that the hooks are facing you. In the future, after using any item, hang it differently, that is, with the hook facing away from you. After a few months, you will be able to determine what clothes you really wear simply by looking at the direction of the hooks.
8. Group your clothes by color - this way you can quickly find what you're looking for. In addition, visual harmony will please you.
9. Use linen organizers. This will allow you to separate it into categories that are convenient for you. For example, by color or by season.
10.Heavy items, especially sweaters, are best placed on shelves. This way they won't lose their shape. Our opinion: - Jeans are also best stored folded. But for storing skirts, use hangers with clips. 11. Make dividers inside the drawer. This will help you avoid chaos and not turn your closet into a warehouse.
12. Make the most of the space. The floor of the room and the bottom of the closet are great for storing shoes.
13. Shoes and accessories can even be stored on wall shelves. This stylish solution will allow you to unload your closet.
14. Special clothing labels will help you keep your closet tidy.
15. Don't forget about the doors! You can attach hooks or hang organizers on them. This is a great way to store accessories.
15 Brilliant Rules for Storing Things and Clothes – etk-fashion.com