
How to arrange a garage: the organization of space and storage of things


When things in the house are more than the seats, gloriousThe garage will be their assistant. It will help to make room and make the dwelling free and spacious. But how to organize the space and what to move? Garage is not only a place for storing cars, but also an opportunity to make the house more spacious. Everyone knows this simple truth, but very few people use it. And in vain, because there are many interesting ideas on how, without littering the garage, place in it all that interferes in the house or apartment. To properly allocate space in the garage,it is best to divide it into imaginary zones. Firstly, it will help to properly organize things, and secondly, it will allow to estimate, whether you will suffice for all space. It is necessary to arrange a workshop in the garage. In it you can fit all the tools you need, accessories for the car, the rest of materials and stuff. Pay attention to the organizer liners: they will allow you to correctly position everything that you need, and also get quick and convenient access to things. Good stands in the garage will be stands: they can be put on a bulky instrument and items that should always be at hand. Cabinets can be filled with any small changemetalware, dowels, rubber bands and other. It is also useful to put the table in order not to keep everything in hand. And try not to litter it, but use it only as a working surface. An integral part of a rational organizationgarage will be shelves along the entire perimeter. They will save a lot of space and allow you to arrange rarely used items (Christmas decorations, archives, old children's toys). Depending on the type of activity and hobbythe owner of the garage can place a shelving on which it is convenient to store accessories for caring for the garden, as well as equipment and fertilizers. The stand for hunting and fishing will become a favorite and carefully kept place for representatives of the male half. And holders on the wall and multi-level baskets will help to save bicycles and other sports equipment intact. Each hostess does not always have enough space in the kitchen or in the bathroom, so you can also send a detergent stock to the shelves in the garage. It is worth placing in the garage and shelves forcare for pets, and a stock of feed for them. On the shelves you can put seasonal shoes and clothes, and on adjustable shelves - objects of different sizes.

