Blue is one of the most traditional colors forbathrooms. Today we will show you how good bathrooms can be, created in shades of blue and blue. You will be surprised: blue can be used on the floor and even on the ceiling. Blue and blue remind us of the sea, so these are some of the most popular colors for decorating a bathroom. But not everyone knows how to use these shades correctly in order to squeeze the most out of their best qualities. In order for blue to really remind us of the sea or even the sky, you need to give it space. That is, a border of blue tiles will remain a blue border for us, and no miracles will happen. But if we allow blue to occupy almost all the surfaces of the bathroom, then an ordinary design miracle will happen: entering such a bathroom, we will mentally “fly away” from the apartment, forgetting about our problems. So, say yes to color, paint the walls, floor and maybe even the ceiling blue or blue. And you will be guaranteed to stay in blue dreams. At least, when you are in the bathroom. However, you can choose a bathroom option that is easier to perceive, where blue will be adjacent to white in approximately equal proportions. Beautiful, easy, harmonious.
The second point to consider iscompatibility of blue with other colors. Here we would advise you to be conservative and opt for white, brown and, as a last resort, black. Also pay attention to accessories. If you want to achieve at least an artistic effect, and at most - a therapeutic one, refuse any accessories of the "wrong" colors. Red, orange, yellow and green bottles, vials and towels can instantly destroy all the charm of a blue bathroom. Therefore, be careful and consistent. If you want to make your blue dream come true - throw out everything that prevents it from being realized.
20 unusual bathrooms in blue tones